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Messages - Tella

General Discussion / Creating piano rehearsal music from chorus parts?
I wrote a SATB piece, the choir director wants it in piano format for rehearsals because reading four staffs at once is hard. Layering doesn't do it well at all:  If I have two eight-notes a third apart, one in Soprano and one in Alto, layering creates what looks like a chord but with both flags, so it looks like a 16th note chord.

Am I right that there is no way to combine staffs and have the notes that appear at the same moment become chords? I guess that would take some highly sophisticated software!  Hey, one can wish.
General Discussion / Gray notes
I'm trying out the software; some of it's great, some of it's puzzling.

Current puzzle -- I downloaded a midi filed from the web, opened it in Noteworthy.  There are maybe ten staffs; the line under which the vocal words appear has a lot of gray notes on the same stems as the darker notes.  In fact, the gray notes, whole chords of gray notes, start several measures before any sound starts on any of the staffs (all the rest of the staffs have rests for a few measures). 

What are they gray notes?

They seem to be on a staff that underlies the vocal line staff, and they never play.  The piece doesn't seem to be missing anything in not playing them, but I've never heard them so maybe I'm wrong.

Why would noteworthy create an entire staff of notes grayed out, when opening a midi file?