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Topic: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs? (Read 6628 times) previous topic - next topic

Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

I love NWC! There's only one thing I can't get out of...

Is there any way to make multiple staffs (2 or 3) obey the same dynamic effects (mp, mf but also (de)crescendo and so on) as provided in an other staff?

I get tired to add the effect for all the staffs everytime...

Re: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

Reply #1
There isn't a current way, but I'm sure it could be implemented.  You should add it to the wish list (go to NWC's home page, and look over to the right in the support section.

It might be difficult to find a way to select the staffs to adjust though.  If you're working with a score for 5 reeds, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, piano, bass and drums, and only have a couple of staffs visible, how would the program know you which staffs should be affected?

What I'd suggest doing is just copying the dynamic down to the visible staffs.  The graphic dynamic variances (hairpins) are a little more difficult, but if you using the keyboard instead of the mouse, they're pretty quick to enter anyway.  Since you always need to ensure they don't collide with notes below the staff, you're probably better off doing them individually anyway.

Re: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

Reply #2
If the staves you want to dynamically group are playing the same patch, you can assign them to the same MIDI channel. Dynamics that have a volume override will affect all staves on that channel. Dynamic variances between them have the proper effect. In the attachment, the top 3 staves are controlled with one set of dynamics. Tina Buffet Tina Billett is the real expert on this. Search for her posts for more info.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

Reply #3
G'day Rick,

<snip> Tina Buffet is the real expert on this. Search for her posts for more info.

I think ya might need to do something about that dyslexic keyboard mate ;) 

Weemz, Tina's surname is actually Billett...  And as Rick says, she is most certainly the expert in his stuff - search for her work on the Scriptorium ( ) for a real musical feast.

Otherwise, there are many tidbits on this forum from her that are well worth the read.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

Reply #4
There is one thing to watch for, if you have two (or more) staves assigned to the same channel.  If the same pitch (say middle C) occurs at the same time on more than one such staff, and if the note on one staff is shorter than the note on the other, then the note will end with the shorter note, the longer one being "cut off".  This is because (most, at least) sound cards will not pair the two "note off" events in the midi stream with the two "note on" events, and the first "note off" will cancel both "note on"s.

Hope this is clear.


Re: Dynamic effects for multiple staffs?

Reply #5
Why not convert the lot to a sterio or mono audio track in another program then
and work with the master volume controle if you don't want to get into the individual
channels  or tracks when mixing .I think NWC was intended to be a program for
orchestrations using different dynamics for individual parts.