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Topic: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value (Read 3694 times) previous topic - next topic

Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

If I enter notes in a syncopted fashion the value of the bars are extended resulting in a treble clef bar that is wider than the corresponding bar in the bass clef. For example: the upper row of notes in the treble bar  are minim then dotted crotchet then quaver. The lower row of notes in the same bar are crotchet, minim, crotchet.
How do I force the bar to remain at four beats while allowing for a syncopation?
I hope the is clear! Thanks guys!

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #1
For complex rhythm combinations across dual voices in a staff, the best way to "make it work" is via layering. You can learn how from here:

faq #24: How are 2 voices on a staff notated (satb)?

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #2
By all means, try layering. But the question may be simpler than that.

If bars are mis-aligned in NWC, it means that the measures do not contain the same duration. This is a good feature, since it provides a way for you to detect mis-timing. In one staff or the other, you will need to add a rest so that the correct duration is filled. If the rests are visually annoying, you can hide them (no visibility).

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #3
I agree with Robert about beats in the bars.  The most likely error is that you've accidentally double-dotted the crotchet, or accidentally used a semiquaver instead of a quaver.

By the way, I just found this site which gives the various names for each type on note.

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #4
Who said anything about two differing rhythms on the same staff?
It looks to me that it says ...a treble clef bar that is wider than the corresponding bar in the bass clef.
Why are you talking about layering?

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #5
Thanks for the link, David.

As for the problem: add a new staff, enter the same rhythm (4/4), and now enter empty bars (Space, Tab, Space, Tab, ...)
Now you will see which bar is NOT exactly four beats: that one will not line up. There's your problem.

Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #6
Cary...  Grant... A coincidence?


Re: Syncopated notes are forcing bars beyond their value

Reply #7
Been away for a week...

What I sometimes do is fill the "checking bar" with small value rests, 16ths or 32nds, so I can see exactly where the wrong sized bar is, and also what the value of the error is.  I also sometimes have the testing and tested staffs set to orchestral, because the bar lines will connect between staffs up to the point where the bars don't match.