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Topic: where can i get prg patches? (Read 10748 times) previous topic - next topic

where can i get prg patches?


i downloaded wavmaker to try to convert a midi file into a wav file to burn it to a cd, but when WM checked it's instruments it said it was missing a 0.prg patch file and didn't covert it. i've already searched for existing prg files to save but i found nothing. so where can i get these prg files?

ps- if you have the file i'm missing could you please email it to me?

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #1
I am also looking for a place to download PRGs from. Any help would be appreciated.
E-mail if you have a good web site.

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #2
Have you tried ! ?

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #5
Problem is, once you've managed to find some PRG patches to download, where are you going to find the Wav files that the patches refer to?

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #6
Yo bajé de Polyhedric el Mellosoftron, y con él cargué los samples y me dio a cambio un archivo .prg con su información. El único problema es que se me acaba la demo, así que os agradecería que me enviarais una versión perpetua de mellosoftron.

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #7
If WavMaker mentiones the missing of a certain PRG patch (e.g. 12.PRG missing) you can simply copy an existing PRG file (e.g. 3.PRG) -present in the WAVMAKER\PRG subdirectory (even in the shareware version)- to the missing PRG file. In the example: you have to copy one of the existing PRG files to the mentioned not-existing PRG file. You may do that via DOS ("copy 3.PRG 12.PRG") or via Windows Explorer.
After that you have to start the rendering process again. The effect of this is that if you would like to have the MIDI file (and the rendered WAV file) to play a trumpet sound (MIDI PRG 57), after copying 3.PRG to the missing 57.PRG, the sound will be a piano sound (MIDI PRG 3).

If you would like to be able to have all PRG files (and corresponding sounds) you will have to invest about 50 US dollars.

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #8
Guys, guys … why go through all the BS using WaveMaker, when it's more then obvious they don’t want us to use free copies of there “precocious” little program ? The suggestion that regards renaming a PRG file is stupid to say least – but yes, it works and you can create a WAV file by doing so – but is that really worth listening to ? So : get a copy of Awave Studio and stop worrying about the stupid missing files. The rendering’s not perfect, but it works and the sound’s real good.

C ya !

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #9

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #10
Ya but if you use anvil, the new file is the same size as the midi. Surely if wavmaker renders the midi into a much larger wave file, doing it the anvil-way it is not a recognised file format? Any thoughts?

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #11
I am not familiar with .prg etc., but thought this might help you as a workaround:

If you write the music in NWC, you can capture it as a wave file if you have some program such as Soundblaster's Creative WaveStudio.

Create a new file in Wavestudio, press record, then tab back to NWC, and hit F5 to play.  Wavestudio will capture the played music as a .wav file, which you can burn to a CD or convert to MP3.

You can tinker with the sound produced by the midi file be setting the instrument, and if I recall, downloading/ installing various soundfonts from the 'web.

You can also import an already created midi file into NWC, and play it back the same way.  You can also play the midi file back in programs such as MediaPlayer.  WaveStudio will record it as plays.  So will the standard Windows soundrecorder.exe, but that is limited to about a minute of playback, I think.

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #12
PS - Wavestudio is part of the software package which comes for free with the sound card.  Other soundcards probably have similar programs.

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #13
salut vien de telecharger des wacmaker et je veux mettre des midi de final fantasy sur un CD audio...manque de bol il me faut des patch.....merde....les musique ....dans le fion quelqu' un a ces fameux patch...please I need help

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #14
Many people, like me, do not have a sound card and I only have a 133MHZ PC with limited memory. The absolute best way for folks like me is to use TiMidity++.  Please look at and and check out the mp3 vs mid on My Home Page to compare TiMidity quality to your PC sound.

I am trying to make this easy for people to setup, so please give me feedback if you try and fail or try and like it.


Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #15

I have just started using Timidity, and although I have got it working, I do have one or two questions. However, I don't want to take up space here on off-topic questions. Is there a forum / newsgroup for Timidity?

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #16
I am not aware of a Timidity forum or newsgroup. Please feel free to email me directly at

Re: where can i get prg patches?

Reply #17
The .prg files represent the patches, but the numbering scheme may be off by 1 (e.g. honkytonk piano = midi device 3, but is 4.prg). The instruments in the free package are honkytonk piano, steel string guitar, kalimba, slap bass #1, synth bass #1, synth bass #2, string ensemble #2, synth string #1 (I use this for fiddle), plus some effects instruments. Does anyone know where I can find a fiddle or violin instrument?