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Topic: BreathMark.hmm (0.3) (Read 10880 times) previous topic - next topic

BreathMark.hmm (0.3)

There are more breath mark symbols than the "comma" provided by NWC: At least some sorts of V-shaped symbols and tiny vertical bars are also used in vocal and brass scores. Because I don't want to search all the time for the necessary characters in some text fonts, I have assembled a very simple object that draws some of these forms.

The vertical position of the symbols is such that objects at staff position 0 put the symbols (hopefully) at the most useful, standard position, also for staff with more or less than 5 lines.  The small vertical bars are always on the top or bottom line of the staff (even if the object is moved up and down).



Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.1)

Reply #1
For the "English" version of the V, which looks like a "tick mark", I have used the "square root" symbol - this is not correct (see attached example from a Rutter score), but I'm right now too lazy to rebuild this with some sort of lines or beziers or whatever.
That sounds very much like a gauntlet being thrown. Let me take a look at that (I used beziers in my Arpeggio and Brace objects)
Edit: Might not have to resort to beziers after all. There is a Unicode check mark symbol that appears to be present in Times New Roman.  I'm attaching a snippet with the symbol inserted as text. Unicode character U+2713

Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)

Reply #2
Thanks a lot - I modified the object accordingly!

(However, I don't really understand what's going on: Neither NWC's nor Windows's character map show this symbol - and many more - in Times Roman on my Win10 installation; but the symbol is obviously available, i.e. it shows up in my NWC score ... hm.
Edit: The answer is font fallback and font linking, as remarked by Mike in this posting from 2017 - thanks!).


Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)

Reply #3
There are two signs that you are growing old. One of them is loss of memory, and I can't recall what the other one is.

I really don't remember that specific posting, although I do remember using Arial Unicode MS for certain characters that Times New Roman doesn't have.

Side note: I found the Unicode check mark character by googling "unicode check mark", so I wasn't aware that Charmap or NWC didn't show it.

Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)

Reply #4
Welcome, Mike!  :D

Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)

Reply #5
Side note: I found the Unicode check mark character by googling "unicode check mark", so I wasn't aware that Charmap or NWC didn't show it.
Both Win 10 Charmap and NWC charmap will show it, but it takes a bit of hunting down.  Ask me how I know...  ;)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.2)

Reply #6
The small vertical bars cannot be moved to a different place - they are always at the top or bottom staff line (which makes them only usable for 5-line staffs, I guess).
Although it's unlikely that people will use these objects with number of staff lines other than 5, you can make the following code changes to make them independent of staff line count:
Code: (lua) [Select · Download]
    local sl = nwcdraw.getStaffProp('Lines')
    nwcdraw.moveTo(-0.7, math.floor((sl+1)/2)*2-3-nwc.drawpos:staffPos())
--Lower Dash
    nwcdraw.moveTo(-0.7, -1-math.floor(sl/2)*2-nwc.drawpos:staffPos())

Re: BreathMark.hmm (0.3)

Reply #7
Modified code for non-5-line staves according to Mike's suggestion; I use this to place all symbols at a "useful position".
