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Topic: Problems with wmf files (Read 38138 times) previous topic - next topic

Problems with wmf files

From nwc 1.75 I generate wmf files  (PC: Windows XP 5.1 SP3) and it works fine at home.
But on some PCs, the same file, with the same windows version is not correctly viewed!

what is wrong?

Telecopy viewer is used for wmf files on both machines (I don't know if there is a version number for this viewer).

Thank you for help.

The files (wrong and original) are on my homepage ( but how can i upgrade my membership to avoid the limitation of links in the post?

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #1
It works fine at home because you have the NWC true type font on your system which provides the marks and noteheads..
If that font is not installed on another machine some other font is substituted.

The options are to convert the file to a bitmap or print to PDF with embedded fonts.

Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #2
The options are to convert the file to a bitmap or print to PDF with embedded fonts.
You will not find an option to "print to PDF with embedded fonts" within NoteWorthy.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #3
Yes i can do that but l loose the interest of having prepared a high quality wmf file easy to integrate in a word processor for my friends (non nwc users).

Is there a way they install the proper font easily?

Thank you!

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #4
Yes !

Get them to download and install the free NoteWorthy Viewer - available from the NoteWorthy web site.

Come to think of it - when they have installed the Viewer, why not just send them the .nwc file anyway.

With the viewer, they can print it out if they want.

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #5
I understand:
With NoteWorthy Viewer installed, the wmf files i generate and send to them will be viewed properly...

I shall do that ;)

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #6
With NoteWorthy Viewer installed, the wmf files i generate and send to them will be viewed properly...

Well, yes.
As a side effect of the viewer installation, the NWC fonts are also installed, so your wmf are viewed properly.

But, as Richard wrote, with NoteWorthy Viewer installed, the NWC files you generate and send to them will be viewed and played properly.

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #7
Get them to download and install the free NoteWorthy Viewer - available from the NoteWorthy web site.
That will install the font that NWC2 uses.

To install the font used by NWC 1.75, you need the viewer/player from <here>.

Installation has not been tested for Windows versions newer than XP.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #8
Ooops, I forgot we are talking about version 1.75!

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #10
why not just send them the .nwc file anyway

the real wmf files i send have been cropped* to be easily inserted in a Word Processor

*which is not so easy!

Thank you

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #11

The same problem (wmf files -650- generated by nwc 1.75) are not correctly dispayed under Windows 7:
this is not solved this time by installing NoteWorthy Viewer.
About context:
Theses 650 files have been then encapsulated whith OO Writer in a 100 pages book: it was fine (i have not found better way) but what can i do now?

(I am now a 2.0 a new nwc user under a Win 7 machine i think i shall continue that way with epf files)

Can you help me?

Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #12
You may want download, unzip, and install NWCV15.ttf from
Quote from: Readme.txt (
            NoteWorthy Composer Fonts Through Version 1.7

The enclosed font files can be used to view *.wmf pictured created with earlier
versions of NoteWorthy Composer. These fonts are provided expressly for this
purpose, and for no other purpose.

           Copyright © 2000 by NoteWorthy Software, Inc.
                       All Rights Reserved
Registered user since 1996


Re: Problems with wmf files

Reply #13
Thank you very much Rick...

With my new Windows 7 platform I am now using nwc 2.0 and emf files :) ... "copy special" is not so far of what i do paintfully when cropping wmf or emf files (but i loose text i thougth attached with a stuff) but
do you know if i can directly "export" in a file (the result of "copy special") as in print preview/copy file? I need the wmf or emf graphic result of nwc editing to incorporate them in différent OO Writer docs...

Perhaps you see an easiest way to create the vectorial adjusted image file composed with nwc 2.0 - for a heavy document more than 100 images i cannot copy/paste directly but i refer to the vectorial files by links?

Best regards