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Topic: Combining Staffs (Read 4561 times) previous topic - next topic

Combining Staffs

Is there any way to combine two (or more) staffs already
written into one staff so as to make a condensed score
of an already existing score?

Re: Combining Staffs

Reply #1
Well, yes and no. No you can't just cut-and-paste like on some other programs, or shift-dragging or the like.

Yes, you can layer two staves using an "experimental" feature built into the current release V1.52a. Previously you had to use a file that had the feature enabled, but with 1.52a you can download a little patch that makes the feature "permanently" available.

Go to the *newgroup* linked at the top of the main forums page, and look for the posting by NWC Support dated 08/10/98 20:43, entitled "Experimental Layering in NWC 1.52a" (or something like that). Download the little patch contained therein. It might also be available on their home page (I took a quick look but didn't find it).

It's called "experimental" because apparently there are difficulties under some conditions. See the online help, search for "experimental", for further info and instructions on use.

Note that this will, at present, only work to overlay a staff with the next one. There doesn't seem to be a way of layering more than two adjacent staves.

Re: Combining Staffs

Reply #2
You could try layering them. Might look a bit odd with
note stems going in different directions. Get hold of one
of the experimental samples and use it as a template. Paste
your staves into the new file and then layer them as

Re: Combining Staffs

Reply #4
Here's a rough and ready alternative.
Mute all staves except the ones you want to combine.
For example mute all except the violins.
Export the required staves in Type 0 format - this combines them on one staff.
Do the same with other combined staves - trumpets whatever.
Import each staff grouping as a Midi file but DONT select the Convert Each Channel to a Staff option.

The result wont be pretty and you'll lose all the marks.
But you can condense the score.

Re: Combining Staffs

Reply #5

Thanks for the tip on the layering patch - I had a scout around and found it
in the New page (go to home page then click on the New in the left hand margin)

Cheers, Peter.

Re: Combining Staffs

Reply #6
if you want to layer 2 or more staffs just layer the bottom one then the top one