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Topic: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup? (Read 4975 times) previous topic - next topic

How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

I signed up for the newsgroup and all that, with my Noteworthy CD's name and code, anfd then it showed me the instructions for Private Newsgroup Access. I followed the instructions, (using Mozilla Firefox) and whenever I type in my username and password (given to me by the private newsgroup access page) to the newsgroup server, it tells me that I do not have a correct password. I have tried this multiple times with no success.

Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #1
I reviewed the newsgroup logs, and there is not any record of a failed access in the last 24 hours.  Are you connecting to the correct server? It is:


Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #2
I reviewed the newsgroup logs, and there is not any record of a failed access in the last 24 hours.  Are you connecting to the correct server? It is:


When I go to the url with news:// before it, it goes to a Microsoft Outlook thing, but I do not use Outlook for anything. So I tried the url with http:// before it to see if I could view it in my browser, and that is where my password was not valid.

Is the only way to access the newsgroup through Outlook?

Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #3
When I go to the url with news:// before it, it goes to a Microsoft Outlook thing, but I do not use Outlook for anything. So I tried the url with http:// before it to see if I could view it in my browser, and that is where my password was not valid.

Is the only way to access the newsgroup through Outlook?

You don't actually use a browser to access a news group, you need to use a news (nntp) client.  Outlook includes a news client, but so do many other products, E.G. I'm using Groupwise.  You could try some of the dedicated news clients out there like Forte OR you might try a combined news and email client like Thunderbird.

What email client do you actually use?  You'll probably find it also supports news (nntp).  You will need to set up a news "account" or "profile" for the Noteworthy newsgroup.  This is where the account information (login details) will go.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #4
Is the only way to access the newsgroup through Outlook?
Anything in the above list with Type of Client: Traditional Newsreader should work.
Outlook Express works well enough for NoteWorthy's newsgroups (I use it).
Registered user since 1996

Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #5
What email client do you actually use?  You'll probably find it also supports news (nntp).  You will need to set up a news "account" or "profile" for the Noteworthy newsgroup.  This is where the account information (login details) will go.

I use Yahoo Mail. Does Yahoo Mail support nntp?

Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #6
AFAIK, Yahoo Mail is a web based e-mail system that uses your browser. I do not think that it offers a nntp newsreader client.


Re: How do you access the NoteWorthy Composer Newsgroup?

Reply #7
I use Yahoo Mail. Does Yahoo Mail support nntp?
As Noteworthy Support said, Yahoo mail is a browser based product.  It does not support nntp.

There is no reason not to use outlook express for your nntp access given that it is doubtful you will run into virus or malware problems on the Noteworthy private newsgroup.

That said, it is always best to have up to date Anti Virus and Antispyware software installed.

Otherwise Thunderbird is used with great success by many of the NG users.  Beyond that, experiment...  Rick has already given you a link to a pretty comprehensive list...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.