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Topic: NWC2 on Linux/Wine (Read 88427 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #50

The Wine Team asks me for a downloadable version of the software but for license reasons, I can't give them.
Can someone help us in this matter?

The bugzilla site of our discussion is there:

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #51
The NWC tabbed dialogs are significantly different (and more complex) than the standard Windows modal dialog of File, Info. Internally, they are not modal windows like conventional dialog boxes, and the tab key navigation is implemented internally by NWC using SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, ...).

The NWC Evaluation program uses the same technique for its tabbed dialogs.

NoteWorthy Composer - Download Evaluation

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #52
the tab key navigation is implemented internally by NWC using SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, ...).
That may explain why they are so hard to drive with SendKeys. Fortunately, if you set up the registry, you can get them to popup with the needed Tabbed page on top. From there, XP and '98 need different techniques. I had to send an initial {Tab} in '98 to get to the same to the state as XP.

This is better left for the 'User Tools' board. I only mention it here as it might bear on the problem.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #53
In addition to the «Tab» key problem (or not?) I've noticed that the «Del» key seems to be counted twice, too.
When I use it, I get:
1) the current note deleted
2) the dot (for dotted notes) selected.

Perhaps also a problem with the «numLock» key?

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #54
Another problem for this evening (And after that, I go to bed, I promise;-))

In certain circumstances, the Preview hangs and kills the entire application.

I've noted:

1) The preview mode is pre-calibrated to a certain size (which annoys me because I own a big monitor and I always have to enlarge the preview, but that's another question);
2) When the problem arrives, it seems that the preview begins in full screen (but only the top of the window is displayed);
3) Certain pieces always hangs (the Carmen sample, for example);
4) It's more likely to hang if I've modified important things like margins, number of staves, etc.
5) It hangs under the viewer too.

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #55
Well, I can't resist to give you some stuff again;-)

In trying to update my NWC2, I get the following message:

Impossible d'exécuter la commande spécifiée. Le fichier ou le dossier file:///home/bernard/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/NoteWorthy Composer 2/栢瑴獰⼺眯睷渮瑯睥牯桴獹景睴牡⹥潣⽭睮㉣瀮灨欿祥戽瑥㉡ㅸⰸⰰ〲㠰㘰㈲㌬䍨捶湶䠴坱䩙歉䉬煄䝴≯Ⱜㄭ〬ⰬⰬ n'existe pas.

Nice characters, aren't they?

Good evening, it's time to bed for me here ;-)

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #56
I have successfully used NWC2 on Linux/Wine for about two years. The program still works well, but the Access NoteWorthy functionality was lost some version updates ago, and now updating NWC2 is more difficult than it used to be. It seems I have to do it by logging into Windows (my machine has dual boot). Before I could update directly under Linux/Wine.

Has anybody else experienced the same?

NWC on Ubuntu Linux/Wine

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #57
I have successfully used NWC2 on Linux/Wine for about two years.
Just curious:
  • Do User Tools work?
  • Are you able to use SoundFonts (*.sf2) files with your soundcard?
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #58
the Access NoteWorthy functionality was lost some version updates ago

The nature of this function (sending a URL to the Windows shell) has remain unchanged since it was first introduced. The actual URL that is used has changed, but the mechanics of passing the URL to the system has not.

Perhaps the change from "http" to "https" in the URL now causes the mechanism to fail on your installation. This also happens to some Windows users when they do not have a proper shell association between https://... links and a browser.

The trick is to have a working association between https://... links and a browser. I am not sure how Wine handles this. I look around and see what I can find.

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #59
Apparently, Wine uses the Windows registry, just like Windows. You might want to check this registry key:


Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #60
Do User Tools work?
I do not regularly use use User Tools, so my experience is limited. My feeling is that they work OK.

Are you able to use SoundFonts (*.sf2) files with your soundcard?
I use Timidity (soft synth) with various sound fonts, and I am happy with the results.

Apparently, Wine uses the Windows registry, just like Windows. You might want to check this registry key:
Many thanks for this, it solved the problem! I changed the key to "firefox".
I still get this non-critical error report: "First try failed, probably due to a system setup problem with your default browser. Now trying a different approach...", after which Firefox opens the Access NoteWorthy page correctly.

NWC on Ubuntu Linux/Wine

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #61
The error might be caused by the "ddeexec" portion of the "open" command. You might want to try simply removing the "ddeexec" section if it exists. You could also look at how the "http" section is handled (since it apparently works for you), and make the "https" section look similar.

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #62
Just curious:
  • Are you able to use SoundFonts (*.sf2) files with your soundcard?

It should be as simple as installing the package "awesfx" and doing "sfxload file.sf2" at the command line, this should work with my SBLive soundcard. I am going to experiment with this next week upon return from a few days of sailing in the archipelago. Thanks for bringing up this question, it may open up a new dimension for me.

NWC on Ubuntu Linux/Wine

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #63
Just curious:
  • Do User Tools work?
  • Are you able to use SoundFonts (*.sf2) files with your soundcard?


I can now confirm that I can use SoundFonts with my SBLive soundcard under Linux/Wine/NWC. Installation is straightforward and painless. I am grateful for you pointing me in this direction.

NWC on Ubuntu Linux/Wine

Re: NWC2 on Linux/Wine

Reply #64
I just fond a workaround for tab twist issue:
Press tab focus on next field twice: one time on key-down, one time on key-up.

- press TAB
- press ALT
- release TAB
- release ALT