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Topic: Midi channel note volume (Read 4051 times) previous topic - next topic

Midi channel note volume

My great delight of my new Midiator parallel port/MIDI interface
was killed stone dead when after recording a piece with my
Roland keyboard Noteworthy scored it correctly but played
it back with all notes having the same volume. All that
heartrending feeling and expression gone!
I imagine the answer I will get is that Noteworthy is a music notation
program, and not a sequencer, so the record feature is only
a way to enter music. Is this correct? If I had some other sequencer program,
would it also keep the note volume variations within each
MIDI channel?


Jon F.

Re: Midi channel note volume

Reply #1
You are correct on all counts. When you record a performance with NWC, the notes are captured, quantized, and notated. Dynamics would need to be added separately.

A sequencer would capture the dynamics on the note events, just as you suspected.

Re: Midi channel note volume

Reply #2
But then it would be good if this information was stored with the note. For example, if the velocity of the note was indicated by notes in grayscale, where strong notes were black and soft notes were light gray, this would make Noteworthy the best program for indicating dynamics on a score.

Could this be a goer? (we know what goer means?)

Re: Midi channel note volume

Reply #3
Then NoteWorthy could even notate the dynamics exactly for us...

Re: Midi channel note volume

Reply #4
I've always wondered why NWC didn't even "have a go" at doing this.
I know that it would be difficult/ridiculous to use dynamic markings to get every nuance, but it IS a pain not getting ANY nuance. Like quantising the time aspect, maybe we could ask NWC to "quantise" the dynamics so that if we play it soft, it marks p, medium, mp, loud, f, very loud ff etc.
And maybe if we hit some notes in between on the way, it could even mark a cresc or decresc.
Has anyone ever put this on the wish list?
