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Topic: Printing and Transposing MIDI Files (Read 5702 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing and Transposing MIDI Files

My friend has a keyboard that she can put MIDI fles
on a floppy disc. We want to transpose these to a lower
key and print them out so we can play them on another piano.
I have just down loaded nwp and nwc. Any suggestion on how
I should proceed. Thanks, Tom

Re: Printing and Transposing MIDI Files

Reply #1
You can import standard MIDI files within NWC or NWP, but only NWC will enable you to edit them and print them out.

Re: Printing and Transposing MIDI Files

Reply #2
yes but how do i stop it mapping midi files to innumerable staves?
i want max 3 staves ie vocal line plus piano part and i keep getting
what seems like a huge orchestral score!



Re: Printing and Transposing MIDI Files

Reply #3
I use a program called MusicTime. This program reads your midi and converts them into
scores. As the “orchestral”, You can copy and past the staffs you need onto a new score
sheet. There’s an option called “Split staff”- use this to take a staff that is condensed and
(It looks like a mess of bass and treble all put in one staff) split into two.

Re: Printing and Transposing MIDI Files

Reply #4
Hi Graham,

There are a couple of reasons why you might be getting "all those staves" when you import a MIDI. The most common reason is there really are THAT MANY channels in the MIDI file you're using, they will come in on separate staffs as they represent separate instruments to be played. The other reason is the channel(s) are being split in an attempt to separate bass from treble.

You can easily see which of these is the case during NWC import. On "Step 3" of the import wizard, you can see what tracks are mapped to what MIDI channels. If any have been split and you don't want them split, you can edit it right here. Or, back up to "Step 2" and give a global number for the split (the default is 18, you can give a max of 127 which means "no split").

Once you've finished the import into NWC, you can delete any staffs for instruments you don't want. If you were only interested in the vocal line and piano, just delete the other staves and save your file.

HTH and Good Luck,
