Re: Internet Explorer and the NWC Browser Plugin
Reply #14 –
1) Well I see you changed my icons a little bit (squint, squint,). What I really wanted to do was make the text wrap around the big ones like you have on the main page, but anyway . . .
2) Thanks for all the comments on Windows 98. I used to have Windows 95, but a nice new computer was dropped on my doorstep a year ago or so and it has Windows XP. As far as I know, there is no way to remove Windows XP. I have become quite comfortable with the NT based operating systems and am not really interested in switching back to Windows 95 with such a good computer at hand.
3) Running Opera, NoteWorthy Composer, and vanBasco's Karaoke Player, this 8 year old PC is still useful today.
LOL, that is basically what we settled on for our 75Mhz pentium. After awhile even Opera seemed slow, be it was pretty good none the less. The only problem I have with Opera is that it still displays this site wrong. All the Arial fonts are replaced with Times New Roman.
Anyway, we gave away that old computer and now the most useful computer we have is a 386 desktop running at about 25Mhz. It can start a new Word Perfect 5.1 for DOS document in 30 seconds from the time the power is turned on! We just turned it on the other day. Dad would rather use that computer downstairs where it's quiet than fight for this one. The date was a week off; the time wasn't even close. Same old computer. Y2K didn't bother it at all. The BIOS is copywritten 1987.
P.S. About the graphics in this forum: can I make a galery or would you rather them be kept rather hidden to the casual user.