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Topic: Staff lines (Read 10655 times) previous topic - next topic

Staff lines

I've used NoteWorthy Composer in Windows 95, 98SE, Me, 2k and XP Pro. I only encounter this problem in 2k and XP but do not have the problem in 95, 98SE or Me. When I scroll to the right the staff lines disappear and I can't get them to come back! I've tried using F9 to refresh the score which doesn't work and I've also tried running it in compatibility mode. If it helps my graphics card is a SiS 730. Please help this is really annoying!!

Re: Staff lines

Reply #1
It's worth a try to get the latest video drivers. As near as I can tell, the one you want for 2k is and for xp Both are available here and probably elsewhere.

Good luck!

Re: Staff lines

Reply #2
Thanks I downloaded the update drivers and now it works completely.

Re: Staff lines

Reply #3
You're welcome, glad you got it working. (For future reference, the magic word is "Google") ;-)


Re: Staff lines

Reply #4
Yes Google is the magic word, and if you try country codes, it works even better! I was trying to get another copy of AP Instrument Tuner after I had to uninstall it. The company server would not let me download it, and it finally disappeared completely. Fortunately, or however you spell that shareware site had uploaded a copy onto their server.

Re: Staff lines

Reply #5
I just installed Virtual PC 7 and Windows XP Pro on my 12" Powerbook G4 (Mac laptop) last night. The first application I installed in the virtual Windows machine was NWC. And lo and behold I loaded a couple of sample files and saw this very same problem. I'll see if any of the suggested remedies work this evening, hopefully......

Re: Staff lines

Reply #6
See faq #77: Disappearing Staff Lines

Re: Staff lines

Reply #7
Yep - followed the FAQ and like a poster in another thread, two clicks
back from maximum acceleration did it. It is really odd, though, to be
typing this into a window in Safari (my main Mac browser) while NWC is
printing a file from Win XP in another window on the very same