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Topic: recording piano to treble and bass cleft as played (Read 3158 times) previous topic - next topic

recording piano to treble and bass cleft as played

I just purchased noteworthy have been trying to record from a piano via midi; how do I get the notation to show up on both the treble and bass cleft scores as it is played on the piano; I want to print sheet music out, but it all shows up on the treble cleft

Re: recording piano to treble and bass cleft as played

Reply #1
Under TOOLS>OPTIONS>RECORD(right-most tab)
Import Options - Buffer Only.

Record your piano track over a pre-made rhythm click track. The recording won't appear.
Create a Grand Staff - Treble and Bass Clefs for the piano you have just recorded.

Make the Treble Staff active - click on it.
(This operates the same as Midi Import)
In Step 1 select the resolution required for notes and rests.
Notes depends on the smallest duration in your recording - quarter note for rests is usually OK.
In Step 2 make the Maximum Single Chord Size large (60+).
In Step 3 - which displays the track and channel of your recording - Click on Edit.
Select the range of the notes to be imported into the Treble Staff.
eg. C5 to G10
CLick Ok and continue to finish of Import.
Only the notes C5 and above are included on the staff.

Click on the Bass Clef staff.
Repeat the Import Recording steps:-
(The recording is still in the buffer).
At Step 3 - Edit and select the range of notes below your split point. eg. C0 to B4.
Complete the import steps.
The Bass Clef should contain the notes below your split point.

This should work.
I sometimes overlap the ranges at the split point so I can include some notes in the Clefs of choice - to complete chords (for example)- then delete the duplicates in the other clef.

Hope this helps.

Re: recording piano to treble and bass cleft as played

Reply #2
Also, you can have NWC make a guess at the two staff split points by setting the following in Tools | Options:

1. In the Record tab, select: After recording, import staff into "New Window"

2. In the Import tab, set the "Maximum single track chord size" option to something between 12 and 24.

This defines the largest number of semitone that should exist within a chord. When NWC sees something larger than this, it will locate the center tone in the performance, and split the performance into two tracks, one above the center tone, and one below the center tone.

Re: recording piano to treble and bass cleft as played

Reply #3
okay cool, but can it automatically separate at B below middle c?