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Topic: recording taped songs on to CD. (Read 4444 times) previous topic - next topic

recording taped songs on to CD.

Fred suggested that you could record taped music (I am here talking about taped songs such as you can hear on the radio) and transfom it into wav files recordable on to a CD.
I am not sure I understood rightly. I tried but failed miserably.
Would Fred or some one else be more explicit ?
If it is impossible just say so ! Thank you.

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #1
Hi Roland,

I have created WAV's out of cassette material this way: I have run a line from the stereo out (headphone out) of the cassette deck to the line in on the sound card.

I play back the cassette and record it with Cool Edit (one of many wav recorders available). Now I have a WAV file of whatever was played back from cassette. (Usually it needs a little cleanup. There are pop/hiss remover programs available for this.)

From there, you can take the WAVs through a CD burner program. Or make MP3 files out of them, or whatever.

This same process can be used to create CD's from your favorite vinyl.



Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #2
The sound volume is very very low and I can't increase it. Any idea why not ? Thanks.

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #3
1: Bad cable? Wrong cable? (must be 3.5mm = 1/8" _stereo_ plug to go into sound card).

2: Low output level from source? If so, try the sound card's mic input (carefully!)

3: Line input volume and/or master volume set too low in sound card's mixer applet? (or Win95's volume control applet).

4: (depending on sound card) - analog audio jumper setting?
Some sound cards share the line input with the CD input.

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #4
Thank you Fred. Always full of good advice. I'll check everything I can.Merci

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #5
Thank you to Sue and Fred. Right cable, right every thing but wrong connexion : "mike" not "line in."

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #6
I downloaded cool edit and i tried to do this but the cassette was playing but i couldn't record it... If anyone can provide some help it would be greatly remembered.

Re: recording taped songs on to CD.

Reply #7
Remember that to set your recording volume, do this:

1. double click on the speaker icon in the system tray in the lower right of your screen
2. from the Volume Control menu choose "options", "properties"
3. in the "Adjust volume for..." window, choose "Recording"
4. in the lower window that says "Show the following volume controls:", check all the controls
5. click Ok and then select or unmute one recording source at a time until the recorder starts