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Topic: Recovered Files (Read 5052 times) previous topic - next topic

Recovered Files

When I start Noteworthy Composer the application also opens 31 recovered Files. The files are outdated and no longer in use.
After closing (abondoning) these files and also shut down NWC, the next time when starting NWC, the 31 recovered files will be back in the app.
How do I definitely delete these files?

Best regards,

Re: Recovered Files

Reply #1
Hi Marianne,
I've never seen an issue like this so I'm not sure what to suggest.  Sorry.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Recovered Files

Reply #2
Maybe they are in a directory for which you don't have the right to write (or delete).
(Just guessing)