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Topic: Trave in beamed group (Read 5867 times) previous topic - next topic

Trave in beamed group

Good morning to you,
I ask why in a chord with beamed notes (e.g. two octaves) only one of the two pairs appears joined by the barline, or the one with the stems up or down, but not both. Do I have to resort to stratification? On page 47 of the manual what I don't get is very clear.
Where is the solution?
Excuse my English. I attach two images that explain better than many words.

Re: Trave in beamed group

Reply #1
Why? Because it is coded so. It's one of the limitations of NWC.
And, yes, you need to use the layering.

(È uno dei limiti di NWC. Per farlo si deve usare il layering.)

Re: Trave in beamed group

Reply #2
Ok, ciao, grazie. Faremo il layering!

Re: Trave in beamed group

Reply #3
You could try using Beam.hmm by inserting it from insert/object.

Re: Trave in beamed group

Reply #4
I tried. Too complicated for me. I think Flurmy's suggestion is the simplest solution, also because I have to use layering anyway for other reasons. Good evening.