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Topic: Gliscendo (Default values for Pitch Bend) (Read 2266 times) previous topic - next topic

Gliscendo (Default values for Pitch Bend)

Hello. I'm want to make a gliscendo with the trombone and authers instruments. What is the default for descend for one subtones, one tones and etc... Thank you for your helping...

Maxime Houle


Re: Gliscendo (Default values for Pitch Bend)

Reply #1
The range for pitch bend is (numerically) -8192 to 8191.
The unofficial default for MIDI is for this to be -2 semitones to +2 semitones. This value can often be changed by special control messages (can't be done in NWC, but can be added later by a MIDI sequencer program).
I think you'll find that -1 semitone is -4096 and +1 semitone is +4095. I'm not sure that the correspondence is guaranteed to be linear, but I think Fred found out that it was anyway.