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Topic: Your Wish Is Too Large ...? (Read 3661 times) previous topic - next topic

Your Wish Is Too Large ...?

Here it is anyway, then, posted to forum.
Two versions of the same enhancement.
1. A STRUM button puts a graphic ripple to the left of the affected chord.
In MIDI, the playout of the chord is sequenced stairstep-style, the exact MIDIclocks per terrace depending on the current tempo, so that the chord does sound strummed.
2. A performance style marked "strum" which begins applying the above strum method to every chord, until closed with a "hammer" marking (which switches to the current default playing style).
You might as well make the strum terrace length a combo-box-selectable parameter right up front, that way you don't have to take time to develop the tempo-to-strum algorithm on the first iteration.
Those who need this to get natural-sounding guitar playout will be able to tune the stepping by ear to get what
they're after, without having to know anything about the underlying MIDI datastream. If they need tighter control
than the performance style setting gives them, they'll cut and paste strum-tweaked chords.
My work is currently expanding 30 years of solo singer/songwriter/guitarist compositions into full orchestrations, using MIDI and/or NWC for Net-based collaborations. I know what the guitar needs to sound like on strummed compositions; it takes this enhancement or a raw MIDI editor to get it.
btw another vote for a GNU/Linux port. Go look at there's room for shareware in the Linux world.


Re: Your Wish Is Too Large ...?

Reply #1
Be sure you put wishes in the "wish list" on this site or they won't be "counted"... In the forum or NG is not enough, I've been told!