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Topic: Help Me! Br3 - File Problem (Read 2933 times) previous topic - next topic

Help Me! Br3 - File Problem

Hello Noteworthy Forum.
I am using a Yamaha X-75 R and i want
to know if it is possible to import br3 files into

I would be very happy if you would help me.

Sorry for my bad english.

Thank you very much

Noteworthy is the best programm i've ever seen.
I love Erics programms. More of that. Thank you
for this supermegaprogramm. I love Noteworthy.

Please help me Super Eric!

Re: Help Me! Br3 - File Problem

Reply #1
I assume that br3 is a file format used specifically by your keyboard? You might try this:

Enable "midi through" (this might be on the keyboard as "local"). Connect "midi out" on the keyboard to the "midi in" of the interface cable to your soundcard. Configure your midi mapper (if necessary) to accept data from the "midi in" port. Use NWC to import the performance in real-time, using its real-time recording option.

I used a similar technique to import a drum track from an ancient Korg drum machine. (It's digital data was stored on cassette tape, it's _that_ old!) The only trouble I had was getting exact synchronisation, since NWC presently does not support external midi sync. But I was able to get it close enough that, with careful selection of note/rest resolution, I got a workable file with not too much changing by hand.

Hope this helps.



Re: Help Me! Br3 - File Problem

Reply #2
I am not familiar with a Yamaha X-75. In general, you need to work with standard MIDI files (*.mid) in order to get them into NWC from other programs.