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Topic: Can ties bend like slurs? (Read 5644 times) previous topic - next topic

Can ties bend like slurs?

The tricks that help manipulating the slur curve don't seem to work with ties. So much that I often replace a tie with a slur, as long as I don't care about playback it's the only solution I have found. Anything better?

In this example I have inserted an invisible grace rest to in the middle of the slur and did the same to the tie. AYCS it fixed the slur curve but did not affect the tie.
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down

Re: Can ties bend like slurs?

Reply #1
Quote from: Alfred's Essential Dictionary of Musical Notation
If a time signature interrupts a tie, break the tie to avoid colliding with the time signature.

I would set "Highlight 2" to "white" and do something like this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|WithNextStaff:Layer
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
Registered user since 1996

Re: Can ties bend like slurs?

Reply #2
Thanks Rick,
So now the tie will be broken by the time signature. It certainly looks better than before, but adding an extra staff just to do that feels like a lot of work to me. So for the time being I think I'll stick with the slur, as it also has the advantage of being able to go around the time signature without having its line broken. 

I hope that in the future the extremities of the slur and tie line will be editable:
1) right-or-left-or-center of notehead -
2) vertical offset versus notehead 
3) horizontal offset.

And of course the line curve should also be editable with and whithout the help of phantom rests/notes.

Re: Can ties bend like slurs?

Reply #3
adding an extra staff just to do that feels like a lot of work to me.
Well then here's a really wonky one staff hack for you:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"  __2"|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"  __4"|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:-4|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
I wouldn't give odds on it working much past NWC 2.5 :)
Registered user since 1996


Re: Can ties bend like slurs?

Reply #4
Quite elementary, how didn't I figure it out myself...
So now instead of adding and extra staff all that is needed is and extra life :-). But chapeau anyway!   

wouldn't give odds on it working much past NWC 2.5 :)

Of course, the next upgrade of NWC will solve everything!