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Topic: ties, slurs etc. with layering feature (Read 3127 times) previous topic - next topic

ties, slurs etc. with layering feature

I've looked through the offline and online forums (fora?) and haven't seen any mention of a problem I've run into with the experimental layering feature. When you layer independent parts, to keep the result readable you must make sure that the stems are up for the upper part and down for the lower part. There's no problem here because NWC gives you control over such things.

However, printed scores also generally force expression and articulation marks (staccato dots, slurs, ties, accents, etc.) to the outside of a shared staff, so that, for example, the ties in the lower part curve downwards and those in the upper part curve upwards. I have some layered staves where the lower part's ties curve upwards in the direction of the upper part, staccato dots on the upper part are covered by notes in the lower part, and so on.

Is there any way that the user can explicitly control the placement of articulation marks to make staff layering work better?

(Even if there is, can we add an item to the wish list for the next release? NWC needs a better built-in understanding of how multiple parts must be laid out so that they can gracefully share a staff. Correct placement of articulation marks is just one aspect of this, but it's one I haven't seen discussed before.)

Re: ties, slurs etc. with layering feature

Reply #1
Okay, so I looked carefully at the offline forum and failed to notice the thread from _yesterday_ on the online forum addressing this very issue. Oops.

Re: ties, slurs etc. with layering feature

Reply #2
Never mind, Grant, the earlier thread ( )was getting a bit long anyway! In February I posted a message (my first 'wet-behind-the-ears' one) - - suggesting the publishing suite solution I mentioned in thread 912. Since then I've given a couple of plugs for Page Plus, for example. The underlying need still remains for more control over symbols. Capella for example has a graphical solution (but otherwise doesn't match up to NWC in my opinion) as of course do the (much!) more expensive 'mainstream' programs. NWC Version 2 perhaps??


Re: ties, slurs etc. with layering feature

Reply #3
Okay, here's one for the wish list.
To make the layering feature more fluid and effective, we need:
1) rests to be movable (up and down)
2) notes to be able to be tweaked left or right for when they are adjacent (same line/space or one apart)
3) expression marks switchable "to the outside" (this is a very straightforward definition which I like a lot!)

Anything else?



Re: ties, slurs etc. with layering feature

Reply #4
4) ability to beam over a rest, eg in 6/8 if you have:

note-rest-note note-rest-note

the present version doesn't allow the two groups to be beamed together... unless I'm missing something.