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Topic: Automatic beaming tool doesnt work. (Read 2379 times) previous topic - next topic

Automatic beaming tool doesnt work.

if i remember correctly, the version of my noteworthy
composer program is 1.51a. i always set the automatic beam
option but when i write the 8th notes (or another types of
notes which can be beamed) they are never beamed, look and laugh to me
and make me sick because i have to beam them manually every time.
do you any idea about my situation?

Re: Automatic beaming tool doesnt work.

Reply #1
try beaming after you have written everything - at the end.


Re: Automatic beaming tool doesnt work.

Reply #2
As the menu says, it is not an option but a tool. Tools apply on stuff already present, not on what you've not entered yet.
The helptext (in the bottom line (status line) says "Automatically beams the [already existing] notes in the current staff". Do not forget to look at the inline help (F1) to have more details on any item.


P.S. Look also for "macro recorder" in the forum. You'll find useful information to gain time. (ex.:,,