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Topic: Copied staff is off-pitch from original (Read 5363 times) previous topic - next topic

Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Newbie here --

When I add a blank staff to a piece and copy the clef, key
signature, midi assignment, time signature, and the first
few measures from another staff, the playback plays the new
staff horribly out of tune with the others, even though the
key signature, notes and midi assignment are identical to
the line above it. (I would expect to hear no difference
in the sound at that point.)

Any thoughts? What's the best way to copy a line down and
then start editing it?


Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #1
Can't imagine how that is happening. Why not send me the NWC file and I'll investigate?


Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #2
You obviously need to learn what the crap you're
doing because it works fine when everyone else
does it.

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #3
Oops. Looks like I did a "John Ford". :-) Sorry.

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #4
Keep in mind that copying staff notation does NOT copy the staff properties. Each staff can have its own MIDI channel, sound patch, volume, and transposition settings, which must be accounted for when copying. This is not unlike a pianist giving some music to a trumpet player. If neither individual accounts for the Bb trumpet variation, a duet between the two will sound incorrect. One would have to visually transpose their playing (or enter it into NWC and let it do the work of transposing the piece).

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #5
Thanks, "Note Master". That was really productive.

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #6
Over time, I've read pretty much all the postings on this
forum, but may have missed a few. I have say, up until now,
this has been a very civilized forum. Experts and novices
alike have been free to post questions and receive answers
and help very quickly. We're all learning here and we're
all continually learning. None of us knows it all, and
we are all at different levels of abilities. Everyone can
learn from everyone else.

"Note Master" obviously has no time for people who don't
know the things HE (or SHE) already knows. I suspect he
only wants answers to his questions and when someone asks
something that seems intuitively obvious to him, then
he has a problem with that. But we are all learning this
software called NWC that we've come to love. There is no
reason to use language like "Note Master" used, just
because most of the other forums and newsgroups do it.
I think this forum is different and offers a lot of advice
for both novices and experts alike. No one should be
afraid of getting flamed or the "crap" beaten out of them
just because they ask a question. Even when the question
has been asked before, regular submitters are quick to
point the user to the posting number to answer the question;
however, it is usually in the form of "PLEASE see message

To Note Master - we're all in this together, this forum
was not set up exclusively to serve your needs. Please
check the language and attitude at the door and enjoy
the discourse and exchange of great information presented
in this forum.

I apologize for my long-windedness, but this posting really
got to me. A little civility and good humor make for a
much more enjoyable experience.


John Ford

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #7
Over time, I've read pretty much all the postings on this
forum, but may have missed a few. I have say, up until now,
this has been a very civilized forum. Experts and novices
alike have been free to post questions and receive answers
and help very quickly. We're all learning here and we're
all continually learning. None of us knows it all, and
we are all at different levels of abilities. Everyone can
learn from everyone else.

"Note Master" obviously has no time for people who don't
know the things HE (or SHE) already knows. I suspect he
only wants answers to his questions and when someone asks
something that seems intuitively obvious to him, then
he has a problem with that. But we are all learning this
software called NWC that we've come to love. There is no
reason to use language like "Note Master" used, just
because most of the other forums and newsgroups do it.
I think this forum is different and offers a lot of advice
for both novices and experts alike. No one should be
afraid of getting flamed or the "crap" beaten out of them
just because they ask a question. Even when the question
has been asked before, regular submitters are quick to
point the user to the posting number to answer the question;
however, it is usually in the form of "PLEASE see message

To Note Master - we're all in this together, this forum
was not set up exclusively to serve your needs. Please
check the language and attitude at the door and enjoy
the discourse and exchange of great information presented
in this forum.

I apologize for my long-windedness, but this posting really
got to me. A little civility and good humor make for a
much more enjoyable experience.


John Ford

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #8
Sorry about the double posting. I'll keep my fingers of the mouse next time.



Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #9
Taylor sent me the offending file, and the offending staff was quickly identified as one that was inadvertently transposed (or actually not transposed when the others were). No big trouble.


Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #10
Thanks, Andrew.

Yeah, now that I think about it, I WAS playing with trasposition before on that song. I'll keep a loser eye on that in the future.

Presuming that this situation may very well arise again, is there a way that the transposition could be copied also?

Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #11
Thanks, Andrew.

Yeah, now that I think about it, I WAS playing with trasposition before on that song. I'll keep a loser eye on that in the future.

Presuming that this situation may very well arise again, is there a way that the transposition could be copied also?


Re: Copied staff is off-pitch from original

Reply #12
One thing you can do is checking all at once, using "score review" window.
This can be done with the "R" key, or with menu Tools/Score review. It displays a summary of some important characteristics of the staves.

Hope this helps

P.S. To learn more quickly, use inline help, user tips, and offline forum (_really_ GREAT!). In the process of looking for what you need, you'll find many other useful information :-)

                            MAD aka Dominique