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Topic: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct. (Read 10794 times) previous topic - next topic

Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

There must be: Copyright © 2009 <Name>
But I see: Copyright ?2009 <Name>

Is this connected to Unicode?
NWC User since 2008

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #1
Not necessarily Unicode, but definitely your chosen font and code page. You can check the font from File, Page Setup, Fonts, Page Small Text, and the text from File, Info.

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #2
I mean this:
<Image Link>

This problem has been occurring since I started using NWC at first.
It won't be fixed although I changed the font, I think.
NWC User since 2008

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #3
I would suspect a corrupted font file. But, Eric, are you sure this is the same as the page small text font? I have page small text listed as Times New Roman, but that's a serif font, and the text that appears in the fields in the file info box (on my machine as well as Seserine's) appears to be sans serif.


Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #4
I have page small text listed as Times New Roman, but that's a serif font, and the text that appears in the fields in the file info box (on my machine as well as Seserine's) appears to be sans serif.
That is the way all NoteWorthy dialog boxes look (except Lyrics).

The File Info dialog box expects to find an installed font named: "MS Sans Serif"
If there is no font installed with that name, Windows will subsitute another font. If that font doesn't have a glyph defined where the Copyright glyph is supposed to be, the default glyph is displayed. The default glyph is usually a box or a question mark.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #5
If there is no font installed with that name, Windows will subsitute another font. If that font doesn't have a glyph defined where the Copyright glyph is supposed to be, the default glyph is displayed. The default glyph is usually a box or a question mark.

My computer doesn't have that font, but before I bought one, even there was MS Sans Serif, there was "?" instead of "©", too.

<Image Link>
Copyright Notice doesn't look correct, but it isn't correct, either.
NWC User since 2008

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #6
On my XP machine, the character above this line is the copyright character.
If it does not display as the copyright character on your machine, Windows is not configured properly.
IMO, there is not much that NoteWorthy can do to fix it.

As you can see in my attachment, the copyright displays properly.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #7
The substitution of the copyright symbol and the following space character with a question mark indicates that this is likely caused by your system's Windows ANSI code page. The copyright character is likely triggering a dual byte, undefined character sequence at that position. If this is the case, I would recommend that you define your own template files with the copyright text that works for your situation.

This is one of the current limitations of NWC as an ANSI (non Unicode) application. Its behavior is dictated by the ANSI code page of the host computer.

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correctly.

Reply #8
The File Info dialog box expects to find an installed font named: "MS Sans Serif"
If there is no font installed with that name, Windows will subsitute another font. If that font doesn't have a glyph defined where the Copyright glyph is supposed to be, the default glyph is displayed. The default glyph is usually a box or a question mark.

This is, in fact, what I had always assumed. However it doesn't jibe with this, from Eric (reply #1):

You can check the font from File, Page Setup, Fonts, Page Small Text

so I got curious. I guess I'm still curious. Why was Seserine directed to the Page Small Text font if NWC doesn't use it for the info boxes?


Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #9
...because that is what controls the printed view. Sesirine's original post did not indicate whether the issue was printing, display, or both.

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #10
Thanks, Eric. That makes sense.


Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #11
For what it's worth the Copyright Symbol is located at ANSI 0169.  Open Notepad, hold down the ALT key to the left of the spacebar and key 0169 on the NUMERIC keypad (not the number keys along the top of the keyboard).  If you do not get the © symbol, check your Windows Regional Settings to ensure that Code Page 1252 (Windows ANSI Latin 1) is selected along with Code Page 10000 MAC-Roman.  If you do get the © symbol, but NWC still displays incorrectly, please post back and I will try to reproduce the problem on a virtual machine.  BTW, what version of Windows are you running (including service packs)

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #12
For what it's worth the Copyright Symbol is located at ANSI 0169.  Open Notepad, hold down the ALT key to the left of the spacebar and key 0169 on the NUMERIC keypad (not the number keys along the top of the keyboard).

I tried, but failed.

BTW, what version of Windows are you running (including service packs)

Windows xp(Home Edition).
NWC User since 2008

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #13
key 0169

Please mind the leading '0'.
If you type the leading '0' the the code is ANSI, otherwise it's OEM.

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #14
It is likely that Sesirine is not using a US or compatible code page - until and unless he does, he won't see the copyright symbol.  At least not in ANSI 0169...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #15
I always get:

<Image Link>

Then I copy and paste from other sources, I get:

<Image Link>
(Before saving)

<Image Link>
(After saving)

The symbol © has changed different.

And personally say, I'm female.[/size][/color]
NWC User since 2008

Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #16
G'day Sesirine,
my apologies for getting your gender wrong.

In your first example it looks like you hadn't held the <Alt> key down while typing the number.  This is an old facility where holding the <Alt> key down, keying the ANSI code for a character on the number pad on the right of the keyboard ONLY and then releasing the <Alt> key will result in that character being displayed.

The first example also has non-Latin characters displayed indicating the code page is not a Latin one.  The latter examples have Latin characters thus indicating that a Latin code page is active.  Thus a proper © symbol is displayed.

Why the typeface should change when you save and re-open the file I cannot explain.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: Copyright Notice doesn't look correct.

Reply #17
Thanks, Lawrie and everyone for your input.  I cannot expand further on what you have said.  It is certainly a code page problem.  As far as the copyright symbol size changing after save, I wonder if this is due to copying and pasting.  Perhaps the point size when pasted is smaller than the default font size set in NWC???  When the file is re-opened the correct character is displayed in the correct font size???  Any further ideas?