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Topic: What time is it? (Read 3846 times) previous topic - next topic

What time is it?

Well, my idea was to play measures 63..80 at 105 bpm, then repeating them gradually accelerating until reaching measure 81 at 135 bpm and keeping that time until the end,
IE the effect of "La seconda volta accelerando" ("the second time accelerating") in measure 63.
What I got instead is twice measures 63..80 at 105 bpm then a sudden awful jump to 135 bpm.

Writing the accelerando at measure 63, I expect a slow acceleration until measure 81.
Instead I have measures 63..80 accelerating up to 135 bpm, measure 63 that progressively slows down again at 105 bpm and then the final acceleration in measures 64..80 (the only one I want).

Of course there is always the possibility to copy measures 63..80 and then applying the accelerando only to the second copy but that's too easy! ;-)

I'm missing something on how NWC handles the tempo variances.

Anyway this is a (sort of) achademic question; I think I'll settle for a hidden staff having the repeat expanded, because in this piece almost all the grace notes must really be taken from the previous note, not the following one.


Re: What time is it?

Reply #1
Remove the accel. in measure 80 and paste this:
after the Master Repeat Open at measure 63.

The first object in the clip seems to be unneeded here, but NWC support has cautioned in the past that it is needed.
Registered user since 1996

Re: What time is it?

Reply #2
Aha, What a trick!
Very interesting.
Thank you Rick, I doubt I would ever got it by myself.



Re: What time is it?

Reply #3
You are welcome. It seems that NWC's support for tempo and dynamic variations within repeated sections is spotty.

This clip will handle 2nd time only:
Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"2nd time accel."|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:-7
|Text|Text:"2nd time cresc."|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:-7
I suspect that on Coda and on D.S./D.C. would need similar hacking.
Registered user since 1996