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Topic: Break for Coda (Read 4062 times) previous topic - next topic

Break for Coda

I'm a new NWC user, and have just installed NWC2 beta v2.14. It works great for me, but I'm stymied on one do you insert a white-space break leading to a Coda?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Break for Coda

Reply #1
G'day Barry,
welcome to the world of NWC.

Now, as for your problem, it's done with smoke and mirrors  ;)

NWC will not do this natively, however there are several techniques available that can help.

One method requires exporting from the |Print|Preview| screen to some form of DTP application and then editing the image/vector objects within that package.

The other one uses "Digital White out".   This is the one I use (when I bother).

What I usually do is :
  • force a system break to put the Coda on it's own line
  • Add a bar that contains a rest and exclude it's barlines from the barline count (NWC2 only)
  • Set a user font to WingDings at an appropriate size
  • Choose but don't yet change to a highlight colour to be White (I generally use Highlight 7 for this - no reason, that's just the one I use)
  • Insert text using the font set to wingdings and select the appropriate highlight - chosen above)
  • use an appropriate character(s) to blank out the unwanted staff lines and whatever elements it may contain (clef's etc) - You may need several text objects with differing justification to get sufficient overlap to do this properly.
  • Insert my Coda symbol and a clef and keysig (if necesssary) and continue creating my staff
  • You NEED to use |Print|Preview| a lot when placing the blanking blocks as the editor window will not display the placement relationships correctly
  • When satisifed change the highlight to white

I've attached a "BlankSpaceDemo" file in NWC2 format.  In this case, It's a blanked system rather than just a "missing" bar - the principle is the same. - Leave highlight 7 at it's default to see the technique that's used, then change it to White to see the final result.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Break for Coda

Reply #2
Wow-thanks for the fast response Lawrie. I will give your suggestion a try.


Re: Break for Coda

Reply #3
OK Lawrie-I've tried what you suggested with limited success. A couple of questions for you or the other gurus...

Should the length of the rest be equal to 1 bar?
Is there an easy way to hide the clef, key and time signature?



Re: Break for Coda

Reply #4
Should the length of the rest be equal to 1 bar?
It must have some duration (a grace note/rest won't work). A whole measure rest will center itself in the bar. Anything else will not.
Is there an easy way to hide the clef, key and time signature?
A way? Yes. The TimeSig doesn't show. Hide the Clef/KeySig by putting invisible items before the skipped line. Put visible items at the start of the next visible line. I'll let you judge its ease ...

Webdings "g" is a better whiteout character than Wingdings "n". It is sometimes better to put all this on a layer and keep it off screen while editing. Example attached.
Registered user since 1996