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Topic: e-mailing a score (Read 3963 times) previous topic - next topic

e-mailing a score

I'm not a computer guy.  So making it simple, how do I e-mail a score I've written?

Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #1
This depends on your e-mail client. In general, you look for a file attachment mechanism, and use it to attach the *.nwc file. If you are using Outlook Express, you can drag and drop a *.nwc file from Windows Explorer onto your e-mail message, and it will automatically be attached.

Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #2
Also remember that if you are emailing your score to someone who does not have NoteWorthy Composer, then you should also email the link where the NoteWorthy Viewer can be downloaded from.

Using NoteWorthy Viewer, the recipients can either play your score in the viewer or print out the score to have a paper copy.

Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #3
You overestimate my know-how.  I asked to keep it simple.  I have express, my associate has Noteworty.  Now what do I do to: 1st. find the file, 2nd. attach the  file, 3rd. mail the file.  Simplicity for a dunderhead, please.

Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #4
For Outlook Express 6

Click Create Mail
Click insert on the next menu
Click File attachment

This will open a box in "My Documents"

You now need to Navigate to where your NoteWorthy File is.
So if it is in the usual samples directory, go to the box that says file name and then type :

c:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer\SAMPLES
Press enter
You will then see all of your NWC files.
Click on the one you want to send
click attach
enter your friends email address in the To Box

Add any message you want to send

then click Send on the top menu

Hope this helps


Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #5
In NWC, select File, Open. You can literally drag the file from the File Open window into your e-mail message. It will automatically be attached to your e-mail.

Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #6
Thank you---that works.  It's tough for we old codjers to catch on to computer workings.  The music part is easy, the computer part is yahhhick!!!


Re: e-mailing a score

Reply #7
If you only want to send the sheet music, you can save the file in a Word document and send it that way. Then your recipient does not have to have NWC to look at it or print it.