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Topic: repeat problem (Read 2623 times) previous topic - next topic

repeat problem

hello everyone,
is the only way to insert a repeat through the stave properties dialogue?? when i choose the only repeat option i can find i get a repeat in the right spot but after that i cant continue writing to the stave...

Re: repeat problem

Reply #1
G'day kenbker,
a repeat is a decorated bar line.  Thus to insert a repeat, you press <Tab> to make a bar line, highlight it, press <Alt-Enter> to get to its properties and select the kind you want.

This is not the only method, you could also:
  • Choose Insert from the menu, Bar Line (Decorated) and follow the dialogue
  • Press <b>, and follow the dialogue
  • Press <Tab>, highlight and <Shift-Ctrl-Up/Dn Arrow> 'till you get the one you want (in NWC2 only)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: repeat problem

Reply #2
Hit "B" for insert bar. A bit more straightforward dontchathink?
Registered user since 1996


Re: repeat problem

Reply #3
G'day Rick,
well, that was in my optional methods, but when I'm notating I don't usually worry about the decorated barlines straight away, just press <tab> and keep going.  I fix 'em up later...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.