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Topic: Grace Notes (Read 3509 times) previous topic - next topic

Grace Notes

I just upgraded to 1.51 and found the new grace note feature. Hallelujah! However, why are they not flagged? How do I get them to beam when I have several? Also, can I get them to not break a beam if they come in the middle of several already beamed notes, such as 16th? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Grace Notes

Reply #1
I was just wondering the same thing.. It doesn't seem like you can beam the notes again after you've put in the grace note.. Is this something for the next version?? =)

Re: Grace Notes

Reply #2
To beam several grace notes together, simply select them and then type ^B.
Right now you can't avoid breaking beams when you insert ANYTHING!

Far be it from me to 2nd guess Eric, but that's never stopped me before...

Let's hope Eric will do something about breaking beams, as many people have complained about not being able to insert text, dynamics, or - now - grace notes.

I'd also like next version to include some options on grace notes as to whether I play them before or after the start of the note, and how quickly they should be played.



Re: Grace Notes

Reply #3
Sorry, I just found out that you can select the value of grace notes (who would have thought that you could choose to make grace notes whole notes?!) so I apologize for asking a stupid question about beaming grace notes but yes, this issue of grace notes breaking beams is a consideration for upgrades. I am sure I am not the first one to put it on the wish list.
