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Topic: Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11 (Read 3531 times) previous topic - next topic

Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11

The Offline forum is designed to work only on Windows 95/NT.
I wasn't too happy about this since I am unable to upgrade at the moment. BUT I have found that there is a way that it can be run on Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups (3.11).

If any one is interested in knowing how to do this, please add a message below. (I don't want to write out the procedure
if there are no takers ! - Although not too dificult, it will take a few words to describe !!)


Re: Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11

Reply #1
Yes please, Richard. I use 3.11, and although I have a Windows 95 partition (for evaluation), at the moment I'm staying with 3.11, at least until Windows 98 is sorted.

Re: Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11

Reply #2
No too much interest in this then.
Perhaps there's just a few of the dying breed around!

Peter, I'll E-mail instructions later.


Re: Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11

Reply #3
I'd be interesting in knowing your solution. I use W95 now at the office since I changed of client, but I still use my old 486 with that good old W3.11 at home. I find it much more quickly and much more less bugged than W95 (or W98ß), and will keep on using it as much as I can. Quickness is my first criterium when working on a computer. Reliablility the second. (some people should say : "why don't you use OS/2 instead ?" they would be right... But can't afford it. Yet.)

I even sometimes use the 32-bit version of NWC on Win3.11 (+Win32s extension), it works fine except for MIDI engine (which seems not to be a 32-bit part, but a 95/NT part. Yes, there IS a difference...) Alas I was uncapable to use the offline forum on it, so if you know the solution... :-)



Re: Running the Offline forum from Windows 3.1 / 3.11

Reply #4

Info on the way by E-Mail
