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Topic: Suggestions for all to consider (Read 4927 times) previous topic - next topic

Suggestions for all to consider

Suggestion #1:
How about adding a feature that enables us to drag and drop
high-lighted notes à la MS Word? Then you can have two open
child windows, one of which with the most used notes, or
sequences of notes, in it and drop them on the lower child
window as you notate your song. It will require that the
program senses on which staff, if several, the cursor is
located and high-light this staff automatically as it
passes over it.

No more cut'n'paste. Of course, this feature should be
optional. I know some people don't like it in Word so there
is a great possibility that someone might dislike it in
this very neat program too...although I can't see why. ;-)

You already have the drag and drop thingy available in the
program (open file) so I think it would be fairly easy to
implement it.

Suggestion #2:
Another thing I really, really would like to see, is if you
could go back to the print preview gadget that was earlier
available in NoteWorthy Composer. That preview was much
better than what it is now.

Suggestion #3:
Also, please keep the layering feature. Very nice! We are
two users on the same street over here and we both love this
new feature.

Regards from Sweden,
P. Smårs.
Post scriptum
Oh, I forgot to tell you...I'm a registered user. :-)

Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #1
Re: Idea 1, P says "You already have the drag and drop thingy available in the program (open file) so I think it would be fairly easy to implement it."
Whilst it is true that drag and drop happens with files, it would be an understatement to say that this is entirely different! Drag and dropping files simply sends a message to NWC saying "Please open file so-and-so".

Suggestion #2: "go back to the print preview gadget that was earlier available"
I remember things being different, but can't remember what was. I actually like being able to preview things, even though I seem to have to shuffle around a bit to get there.

Suggestion #3: "Also, please keep the layering feature. "
Whole heartedly agree. I guess Eric needs to work out which way to jump with rests. Whether to be able to hide them or move them up and down, or both.

Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #2
Re: suggestion #3
Yes to keeping the layering technique. As to the rests, if I had to choose, my vote would be for absolute placement of the rests. I have in mind a "note" value for the rest (where the bottom or top of the rest touches the staff] with a default value. Then we could move the rest up or down like a note.

Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #3
The current preview system is the best, except that on my computer (in 800 x 600) when I maximise the preview window, the gap where you see the page is only a third the width of the available window. So to look at the page you have to scroll around in the window. It doesn't worry me; I just wasn't sure what P. Smårs meant in point #2.


Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #4
how 'bout smooth scrolling during playback with the red note fixed on the screen a little way right of the left screen edge.
some help for us play/sing along (badly)addicts.?

Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #5
Sorry drake, not every one has a PII 450MHz with a 3Dmonster video card !!!
On a 486 (yes, some still exist and they do work fine) it is perfect like this and wouldn't accept more refresh work.
And worse, you would be sea-sick in less than 2 minutes ! In particular because all notes played at the same time are not always equal in duration... ;-)

Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #6
Dear P. Smårs,
Thanx for your suggestions, they make sense. But I'd bet you should try to use more your kbd and less your mouse, you'd gain time. But you're probably not left-handed (using the mouse with the "right" hand though), so your kbd-skills won't be as quick as they could. Just because the layout of the keyboard has been designed to SLOW DOWN the typists !!! (Or do you have a Dvorak kbd ?) As you can verify yourself, much important keys are accessible with the LEFT hand...
This was referring to your point number 1. About point 3 (staff layout in experimentals NWC), I guess we all agree : it's GREAT ! Still there are troubles with rests. Hope that Eric will (soon :-)) find a solution ! (Using the same property (height) as the notes would may be do the work ??)

Good NWC-time to all!


Re: Suggestions for all to consider

Reply #7
I am pro choice. I picture an option like..
Scroll: Continuous
End of Bar
End of Line
Wishing and hoping