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Topic: Using various TTF Fonts (Read 4451 times) previous topic - next topic

Using various TTF Fonts

I'd like to know if I can use other styles of fonts. I haven't been able to trigger this. Are there future plans to allow other TTF fonts to be included in Noteworthy?

Re: Using various TTF Fonts

Reply #1
We are working on a facility to allow some user selectable fonts for the text used in NWC. The actual font used for notation, however, is likely to continue to be the proprietary NWCV13A font.

Fornow, none of the fonts used in NWC can be customized in their typeface. The sizes change with the notation size, except for authoring info on a printout, which is proportional to the page size.

I hope this helps. ---- Eric (

Re: Using various TTF Fonts

Reply #2
i want many fonts true type.
i want kidprint font please

Re: Using various TTF Fonts

Reply #3
Try the newsgroup alt.binaries.fonts, or do a search on the web using altavista, using keywords like font and kidprint


Re: Using various TTF Fonts

Reply #4
If anyone is interested:

There are two True Type Fonts available for free download from

These fonts were designed for use with another product but work fine with any application using True Type fonts. They have some features that might be useful such as a glissando.


Re: Using various TTF Fonts

Reply #5
I`m Brazilian and I need fonts ttf???