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Topic: Audit Enharmonic Spelling (Read 8842 times) previous topic - next topic

Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Just downloaded the p1q release of NWC2 and was testing the cursor positioning after various staff related actions - as discussed in

I noticed that when you perform audit enharmonic spelling on a transposed staff the audit is done with respect to concert pitch _and_ the key signature rather than just the key signature of the staff.  I realise this is not new with p1q, but I only just twigged to what was going on...

Unless I'm missing something I don't think this is very useful.  Fine on untransposed staves but...

Two examples I experimented with:
  • A trumpet part transposed for a Bb trumpet, +2 semitones with playback transposition updated - gives -2 on the midi transposition
  • A guitar staff - midi transposition to give an octave lower pitch than notated.
In both cases the written staff was returned to concert _but_ the midi transposition was not updated.  Thus, successive audits result in progressively changed staves.


Code: [Select · Download]
becomes this after 2 audits:

Code: [Select · Download]
But only if there is a midi transposition on the staff of -2 (for this particular example)

The same thing happens if there is an instrument patch inserted that contains a midi transposition without a midi transposition on the staff itself, but only for the notes that appear after the instrument patch.  This is at least consistent

Is this deliberate and thus for a purpose I haven't recognised or have we a bug?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #1
Whatever the outcome, I think that 2 successive audits should do exactly the same as 1 audit.
Put differently: an audit should yield a static result, so another audit would do nothing. You might have tripped over a bug, there.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #2
Confirmed. This will be corrected.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #3
If I were you I'd avoid Audit Enharmonic Spelling. It's a royal pain in th bum whenever I use it,and it gives some of the wierdest spellings I've ever seen.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #4
And you use weird spelling for weird spelling, as well
(no, I do not want to use the Grammar police force. I did not enter Hogwarts, and my quill does not do spell checking.)

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #5
Hi Christian,
I certainly will be avoiding it at the moment :)

However, if a feature exists then it should work properly.  Part of our job as beta testers is to find bits that aren't right and report 'em.  I admit that I don't use Audit Enharmonic Spelling much and found this one by accident.

I'm sure Eric would find it helpful if you could define what you mean by ...some of the wierdest spellings I've ever seen.  Assistance in this area will help him refine his algorithms.  It is also true that this is one aspect that may take a lot of detail work to get even close to exactly right - and you will still end up with differing opinions!

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #6
Ron we allready no I'm a litle Incommpatent wen it comes two speling; Im just kinda dum

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #7
thispart of my E Major Piano Thing is an example of what I mean by wierd spelling
this(right hand)
Code: [Select · Download]
and this(the left hand part)

Code: [Select · Download]

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #8
This(right hand)

Code: [Select · Download]
and left hand

Code: [Select · Download]

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #9
Hi Christian,
it do seem odd doon't it.

That said, I've always understood - and I stand to be corrected here as I'm certainly no expert - that enharmonic spelling was key signature dependent and normal convention was if the key signature contained sharps then accidentals would normally also be sharps while flat key signatures would normally have flat accidentals.

1) Minor keys in some cases
2) Chromatic runs use sharps ascending and flats descending.
3) Use alternative spellings when it will reduce the number of accidentals, particularly naturals to undo prior sharps/flats.
4) Use alternative spellings when it will simplify reading - F'rinstance: A,A#,Anat,A# would probably be better rendered as A,Bb,A,B(b) regardless of the key signature.

However, like I said, I stand to be corrected - I've never had formal training to this level, this is just what I've learned by observation over the years.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #10
Although the Key Signature does indeed influence the enharmonic spelling, nevertheless the appropriate accidentals are much more likely to be governed by the chord structure at the time. So you would see G Bb D (and not G A# D) whatever key you were in at the time.

As to selecting which spelling is more likely when the context isn't known (and NWC has no concept of this in its internal workings) one would have to consider the probability of which chords would be more likely in the current key and go with them. So for instance a chord of Bb would be more likely in C major then a chord of A# since the former is closer to C major in the cycle of fifths.

The default spelling of the black notes in C major should therefore be  Eb, Bb F#, and C#. And (fortunately) the same applies for A minor since the two keys are indistinguishable to NWC.

What about the missing note?  G# and Ab are equally distant in the cycle. I'd prefer G# since it is the leading note of A minor .

With  the choice fixed for C major, it's a simple matter to apply it to other keys since all intervals must be maintained when transposing (you shouldn't re-spell a minor third as an augmented second for instance).

So for F# major the equivalent accidental defaults should be An, En, B# (not Cn) and E# (not Fn). And the ambiguous one would be Cx (not Dn) - the leading note in D# minor.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #11
Spelling is as much a matter of personal taste as it is theory (much like English before Noah Webster). Some folks will do anything to avoid a C flat, even if it is perfectly logical. Others don't want to see any sharps if the key sig is B flat.

I just wish that I could invoke audit enharmonic spelling on a selection rather than the entire staff. If I didn't like what I saw I could undo it and fix it manually. I really hate having to proof the entire staff.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #12
> I just wish that I could invoke audit enharmonic spelling on a selection rather than the entire staff.

Ditto for other Tools fuctions (Bar Lines, Beam, Stems, etc.)

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #13
...a chord of Bb would be more likely in C major then a chord of A#...
more likely than

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #14
The purposes of the forum are to help other users and to discuss features of the program.  Doing so helps the developers understand glitches and fixes, and to consider new features.

"[abbr= since you are so obviously an expert on the written word, why hide behind a pseudonym?]Edward[/abbr]" messages such as yours add nothing of value to this process.  How discouraging it must have been for Peter to have his thoughtful, comprehensive explanation subjected to your trivial criticism.

If you absolutely must display your expertise, please, please, please, make sure your correction is complete, correct and comprehensible.

Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #15
Spelling is as much a matter of personal taste as it is theory - much like English before Noah Webster.

Rick, both those statements cause me problems! ;-)

Dr Johnson's dictionary was published in 1755, three years before Noah Webster was born, so the problem (at least on this side of the pond) was solved much earlier.

As for note spelling I think that properly published music does follow the rules (I can't speak for pop music) and has at least since Bach's day.

Certainly one is at liberty to produce whatever one feels comfortable with, but the bulk of music readers expect the 'normal'.

I'm not suggesting that any transcription is more 'right', just that the default spelling should follow the orthodox as far as possible, since this is what a majority would expect.


Re: Audit Enharmonic Spelling

Reply #16
"I just wish that I could invoke audit enharmonic spelling on a selection rather than the entire staff. If I didn't like what I saw I could undo it and fix it manually. I really hate having to proof the entire staff."

You can always copy that selection to a new piece (leave it selected), fiddle with the key sigs and accidentals etc, and then paste back. Not ideal, I know, but just wanted to remind you that it is an option, best reserved for infrequent use.