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Topic: Newsgroup by e-mail? (Read 6079 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #1
I second that question (if that makes any sense)

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #2
I third it.  I dont know how to change the port 991 security thing on my firewall so the email way is the only i could get newsgroup news.

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #3
G'day Vince,
ahh, the NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) default port is 119, not 991 so it could be you're trying to change the wrong port on your firewall or your News Reader is incorrectly configured?

A little more info like:
a) what firewall are you using?
b) what internet connection do you have (dial-up, broadband etc.)?
c) what newsreader are you using?
d) what port is it actually configured for?

might help one of us to give you some clues...


Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #4
Im using Outlook Express as a reader and Im not exactly sure what im using for firewall.  Also im using wireless but im getting the signal from a broadband network.  I think all i need to do is change the firewall settings.  I dont know jack about comps so Im not sure.

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #5
Hi Vince,
could you try a little experiment for me?

Click Start | Run and in the dialogue box enter command if you are running Windows 95; 98 or ME, OR enter cmd if you are running Windows 2000 or XP, click OK.  If you are not sure which version you are running, then just type command.  It _should_ work with Windows 2000 and XP...

You should end up with either a whole black screen or a black Window with a C:\WINDOWS> prompt.  It may not be exactly that, but the important thing is you end up with a command prompt that should end with a > "greater than" sign.

At this prompt type in telnet 119 and press <Enter>.

You should see this:
200 InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.1 ready [postin
g ok].

(The brackets arount "posting ok" should be round, I had to make them square for the bolding)

If you do, then excellent.  You have NNTP access available to you and don't need to change anything in your firewall.

Clear the box by typing quit <Enter>.  NB you may not see the "quit" characters echo, this is OK.  You should then get this:
205 .

Connection to host lost.


Note that if you wait too long, the connection will clear itself.

If this works OK then all that is left is to correctly configure Outlook Express.  Let us know how you go with the test and then we can take the next step.


Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #6
Hey Lawrie. I ran the test and it all worked fine.  Everything went according to what you wrote so it must be Outlook Express that needs to be modified some.  thanx for the help so far too :).

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #7
Hi Vince,
no worries mate.

It's good you have the NNTP access, now for Outlook Express.

I don't normally use Outlook at all so you'll have to bear with me.

Going through my O.E. v6 config screens you need to:
Start OE, click Tools | Accounts, click Add | News, type in the name you want messages to be from (this could be VinceR, say), click Next, your email address will probably already be there, I suggest you obfuscate it a bit to foil those little bots that go trawling for email addresses to send spam to.  In my case I've added some upper case ZZZ's in a couple of spots.  Other add the words NO SPAM around other bits, you could even replace the @ and the .'s with words  - at for @ and dot for . - you make something up.

Click Next, enter and make sure the My news server requires me to log on check box is ticked.  Click Next.

Enter the account details as given when you applied for access and confirmed your eligibility (this is a limited access NG so I'm not putting any details here), check Remember password and click Next, then click Finish

I'm pretty sure these instructions are the same for versions of OE from about 5 onwards.

Let me know how you go,

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #8
This is where the problem comes.  I tried to get into the newsgroup and this happened:

Unable to Connect to Server
User name: access2004
Protocol: NNTP
Port: 563
Secure(SSL): 1
Code: 800ccc0e

I changed the port from 119 by clicking on the option "this server requires a secure connection", which brought up the 563 port.  From here on im not sure what to do.

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #9
Hi Vince,
thats the problem...  It's _not_ a secure connection, you only have to logon.

The port _must_ stay 119, AFAIK there is no SSL on this service.

Thus you cannot connect on port 563 because the server is not listening on that port.

Soooo, uncheck the "this server requires a secure connection" which should restore the port to 119 (fix it if it doesn't) and try again.


Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #10
The port was put back to 119 and i still got the same message, unable to connect to server just not with the 563.

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #11
Hi Vince,
Ok, coupla things to check...

Go to the properties of the account and:

a) On the Server tab ensure that Log on using Secure Password Authentication [SPA] is _not_ ticked.

b) On the same tab make sure that This server requires me to log on _is_ ticked and reconfirm the logon details.

c) On the Advanced tab the News [NNTP]: port must be 119 and the This server requires a secure connection [SSL] is _not_ ticked.  Acutally, none of the boxes on this page need be ticked.

Could you confirm which version of OE you are using (available in help | about)?

Given that the manual test using telnet gave a positive result, the problem is almost certainly in the OE setup so lets be absolutely sure that everything is right before we go looking for something else.


Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #12
HEy LAWRIE IT WORKED.  Thanks for ur help ya know.  Coudlnt have done it without ya ;).

Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #13
Good stuff.  Glad to hear it's working Vince, look forward to seeing some posts from ya.



Re: Newsgroup by e-mail?

Reply #14
but the question remains, is it possible to get it by email?