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Topic: Multiple bars with rests (Read 5333 times) previous topic - next topic

Multiple bars with rests

My musical ability is somewhat limited and so is my composition ability. Anyway, I'm looking for a symbol that looks something like this: |=====7=====| which denotes there are 7 bars of whole rests. These are found in pieces where the accompaniment is separate from the vocal rendition. Help!

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #1
This is available in "third party" fonts, which you can install onto your system and then assign to one of the "User" fonts slots.

Specifically, the "Boxmarks" font that many (perhaps most) of use use contains these symbols. You can get it at The NWC Scriptorium, in the "Helpful files" section.

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #2
I would add that if you want to keep the bars aligned properly, I suggest the following:
1. Enter all the measures with rests (since it's for rests:) ;
2. select all these measures (and inside bars) and rests and choose Visibility : Never (you can do it with one selection, then press Alt+Enter, then "Visibility" tab)
3. at the "center" bar, enter the symbols you mentioned above, with visibility Always and "preserve width" on.

That way:
- the playback will be ok
- the bars will be proprely aligned when printing more than this staff
- it will take room for one bar only when printing this staff alone
- the number on the bars will be correct.

HTH, and I think I should put this on the hint page :)

Note: this is available for repeated measures (with .//. symbols) also, you simply have to enter the music at each measure (copy/paste :), hide it the same. With local repeat bars, it would be misaligned and numbers wrong.

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #3
oops, language confusion. Please read:
3. at the "center" *measure*, enter...
- it will take room for one *measure* only when printing this staff alone

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #4
Also, keep in mind that the multiple-measure rests are being entered as "text," meaning that they are not interpreted if you create a MIDI output file.

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #5
...unless you entered them hidden as I indicated :)

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #6
Yes, Marsu, the multi-measure rests would be in the MIDI, if the user follows your instructions :)

Being lazy, I sometimes place a multi-measure "text" rest over a *single* invisible notation rest. In this case, the MIDI will have only one rest. That is what I meant :(

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #7
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I'm a little busy at the moment but as soon as I can get to it I'll let you know how I made out. I downloaded the files recommended but haven't installed them yet.

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #8

I'm wanting to enter the symbol as shown in the first post in this thread.  Just wondering if the work-around mentioned above is still the only solution, or whether NWC has been upgraded to do this since the previous postings?

Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #9
Hi, Jane -

Check out this URL for information on using the Boxmarks font to create multi-measure rests:

There's a lot there, so read it carefully.  It's harder to explain it than it is to actually do it.  Once you get the hang of it, you'll find it's pretty easy to do.

Hope this helps,


Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #10
Hi John

Thank you very much for your very quick reply.  I will take my time and read the information on that link very carefully.  I'm very grateful to you for pointing me in the right direction.



Re: Multiple bars with rests

Reply #11
You're quite welcome.
