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Topic: How can I add a Trill? (Read 3039 times) previous topic - next topic

How can I add a Trill?

I've seen many messages for people asking how to add a trill and so far all the replies say it cant be done without adding lots of 64th notes etc
HOWEVER, if you look at the 'moonlite' sample file that comes free with noteworthy you will see trill's being used (bars 32, 36, 126, 128, 132, 188) and all they appear to use is the tr~~~ notation (ie no extra notes inserted)
The tr~~~ has been entered as a text expression but the trill itself has somehow been applied to the note.
This must have been a proper feature (or a feature in a beta version) because if you copy and paste both staves onto a new blank piano score, when noteworthy plays those bars, the trill doesn't work.
I have also noticed that they have managed to disable the staff play back feature (shift+F5) in 'moonlite', so there must be more going on in this file than meets the eye!!!
Any ideas on how this has been done? Does anyone who is affiliated with the noteworthy website have the ability to get in touch with the program designers themselves and could perhaps ask them directly?
All your thoughts on this puzzling situation would be greatly welcomed!

Re: How can I add a Trill?

Reply #1
Back to the same problem earlier.... am new to this and didn't read previous messages, have seen my message answered... thanks

Re: How can I add a Trill?

Reply #2
The key to the trill (as in moonlite) is to have hidden staffs and have it play that staff instead of the other one.  Go to page setup and u should see two groups (standard and hidden)  check hidden and the staff with the trills will appear.  U have to put the 64's in :(, but u can have them hidden so ur other staffs would be normal sized.


Re: How can I add a Trill?

Reply #3
The note that you don't hide - the one on the visible staff - must be muted.