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Topic: FEATURE: Under the hood.... (Read 2905 times) previous topic - next topic

FEATURE: Under the hood....

It would be nice to be able to look "under the hood" of a staff and see the actual midi components and  'tweak' some settings.

For example; change a chord in a measure so that each note in the chord doesn't start EXACTLY at the same time. Maybe 5 - 8 ticks difference between each of the notes in the chord.

This is especially useful for playing the HARP, GUITAR or anytime you want to roll a chord on the piano.

Perhaps allow a "ROLLED" option with an input for the amount of space between notes.

Re: FEATURE: Under the hood....

Reply #1
I guess it's one for the wish-list  but I doubt we'll see it soon.  There are a lot of other requests in the line, with slurs and ties perhaps being the ones most often made.

Meanwhile, the nice thing with NWC is they have given us the tools to do a lot of workarounds.  You probably can get this playback effect by muting the chord, and using another hidden staff for playback.  On this other staff, you would use 64th notes, or even [abbr=* Use the number 6 on the numeric keypad to get 64ths, then highlight them and press the minus sign to get 128ths]128ths[/abbr].*  You could start with the first note, tie it, then make a two note chord, tie it, then make a three note chord, etc.  The last chord in this series would be whatever value is needed to fill out the duration of the chord.

Re: FEATURE: Under the hood....

Reply #2
128th notes? Not on my machine. Four flags is the max.

To get a rolled chord try the following:

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A grace note is always a 1/32 in playing duration, whatever its notated length :-(

You can double it by tying, as in the second example.

Re: FEATURE: Under the hood....

Reply #3
I stand corrected.  Good eye.

Re: FEATURE: Under the hood....

Reply #4
Using a layered staff with hidden notes, rather than grace notes, gives a bit more flexibility than the grace notes, I think:

Code: [Select · Download]
In the last bar, I staggered the sequence of the chord element entries to see if it sounded more like what I think MIDI Man was asking about.  I think it gives a slightly more realistic "guitar picking" effect (but I'm not a guitar player...)


Re: FEATURE: Under the hood....

Reply #5
Hmm, I like the last bar better here:

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