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Topic: printing multiple tunes (Read 3278 times) previous topic - next topic

printing multiple tunes


How can I print more than one tune on the same page. At the
moment I am turning the page upside down and re-inserting in the printer, but this is not very elegant.

I'd really appreciate an email reply.


joe mc cool

Re: printing multiple tunes

Reply #1
You can't, without using tricks like the one you did. The other way is to copy the tunes to the clipboard, and paste them into a word processor or publishing program.

Re: printing multiple tunes

Reply #2
Yugh :-(

thanks anyway.


Re: printing multiple tunes

Reply #3
Try re-inserting the paper the correct way around and setting the top margin so that it is big enough to miss what you have already printed. It works well and is easier than some of the fancier methods. Regards Barry

Re: printing multiple tunes

Reply #5
Uh-oh! You have to be registered to print it.
If you are, check these out!

1. Go to 'Insert.'
2. Press 'Bar line (Decorated).'
3. Press which ever bar line you want (optional).
4. Press 'Force System Brake.'
5. Press 'OK.'

------------------------------------------------------------------Good Luck :)--------------------------------------------------------


Re: printing multiple tunes

Reply #6
You have to be registered. Period.  (  ;-)  )
I like the system brake. Does it screech?