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Topic: Adding automatic keyswitch to articulations? (Read 2102 times) previous topic - next topic

Adding automatic keyswitch to articulations?


I am using a high quality orchestral library, and I would like to know if there is a way to automatically associate MIDI expressions to articulation expressions, or simply create some set of expressions I can choose from, which will add both some text or notation (e.g. 'pizzicato' or a legato slur) to the score and also play some note at this location.

The note will be a keyswitch note used in the sample library to switch to a specific articulation and it is outside of the natural register of the instrument. The note should be hidden, of course; I don't want to see, suppose, a C0 note in my score, but I do want to see, suppose, a legato slur at the place this hidden note is played.

Is this possible? And how?
