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Topic: Does a French Version exist ? (Read 3182 times) previous topic - next topic

Does a French Version exist ?

Do you know if a french version exist for NoteWorthy composer ?

Thanks for your reply.

Best regards,


Re: Does a French Version exist ?

Reply #1
I don't think there are any other versions than the English one.
But it could be a nice feature to have a localization option. And more, if the menu items could be in a separate file, we could, as forum users, take the localisation work in charge for French, German, Italian, .....



Re: Does a French Version exist ?

Reply #2
There is a way to translate it, it is to use a ressource Editor such as Watcom's.
I did it once already --'twas on version 1.21 I guess--, and it worked fine. I also modified the order of #, b and becarre(natural) so they be in a more logical order (b, nat., #).
For the help alas, no easy way does exist (to my knowledge), in the .hlp way at least. with hlp2html, ok.

But for you francophone people who have access to the NNTP{News protocol}(I don't), why not creating fr.musique.nwc ?

Hope this helps.

P.S. When I got time I'll do it again for the current version (1.50). But Eric told me that he would not support bugs in that case. Which I obviously understand :-)
