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Topic: deleting an added header (Read 4171 times) previous topic - next topic

deleting an added header

OK, I didn't know how to enter author information and title AFTER I entered all the notes.  SO< I used the INSERT - TEXT command when I moved the cursor above the staff. HOW do I get rid of it? I can't see it unless it's in the print preview and you can't edit in that window.  I found out WHERE to enter the title and author info.  Now they both appear on the top of the first page of music.
The  internal help index isn't very helpful here.  Is there a way of seeing the score in the page setup AND edit it?

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #1
You can't edit in print preview, but it's easy enough to do what you need to do...

(1) If you know exactly where you put the anchor for the text, you can sweep the cursor to highlight the anchor (thus selecting the text), even if you can't see it. Or,

(2) You can add a new staff, then move the staff upwards to the top. This has the effect of moving everything else downwards, including the text that you attached to your original top staff. After modifying or deleting the text, remove the unnecessary staff.

(3) When you've finished doing that... It is possible to retroactively add (or modify) page title, composer, and lyricist "the regular way." Menu file, info.

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #2
Thanks for the tip but I can't get rid of it.  I can now see it by adding the extra staff (good idea thank you) but when I high light it with the mouse, and click delete, it only will delete the staff.  I used the Add Text and then Expression to get the title to appear on the top of the page.  I now know that was wrong.  any other ideas?

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #3
Sure with the upper staff selected,then Staff\Properties\Visual\Vertical size\ increase the upper to 20 or 24 then OK and you will be able to see your text Entry. Just Sweep it and delete.

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #4
llucyy's explanation is even better than mine. But if mine didn't work for you, you may have misunderstood. After adding the fake staff and placing it at top, you still have to select with the "real" (now, second) staff active, even though your text looks like it belongs to the added staff. It still belongs to the original first staff.

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #5
Try using the search feature (F3).
Put your cursor at the start of the staff, press F3, enter the text for what you want to ged rid of, and press enter.  You should now have something highlighted (even though you may not be able to see the actual text item, you will still see that something is highlighted), so then press delete.  That way, you don't need to add an extra staff and then delete it.

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #6
Marie certainly knows how to take that header off.

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #7
THANK YOU SOO MUCH.  I have learned much by this exchange.  The header is GONE and I thank you again!!

Re: deleting an added header

Reply #8
Wherever I go, I know that the Queen of Hearts cannot be far behind (because I always show up ahead of her).


Re: deleting an added header

Reply #9
well, I hope the "page edit mode" will be
implemented someday