Fitting score to one page 2004-08-28 02:24 pm In NWC I have always been able to squeeze a piece of music onto one page with a bit of fiddling with visible staff properties in F2 and altering staff size etc. In NWC I seem unable to do this with the flexibility I'm used to. I'm stuck with a piece going over the page, only by a bar, when I have inches of room on the first page and no amount of tweaking seems to sort it. I'd be grateful for some feedback on this as this is something I do all the time. Quote Selected
Re: Fitting score to one page Reply #1 – 2004-08-28 08:40 pm Sorry sorted it, I didn't realise I still had the lyrics set to 4 lines!!! Quote Selected
Re: Fitting score to one page Reply #2 – 2004-08-28 08:44 pm Things you might try...(1) Are you using lyrics? If so, be aware that note spacing is often "stretched" by the need to accomodate the symmables. You can try using a smaller lyrics size. If there happens to be a single syllable that ruins it for all (too big a word), try omitting the syllable as lyrics, then adding it as text.(2) I assume you know that page layout is affected by your chosen printer, and by the margins you selected. Just checking.(3) Is the one extra bar a final ending (as with a song with several verses, and a longer duration for the final note)? If so, consider faking the final measure by adding that note as text.(4) Try specifying a printer page size somewhat larger than you will actually use for printing (or, specify margins narrower than you intend to use). If the music fits, creat a placeable metafile, and put it into a word processing document, where you can scale it to fit the page. Quote Selected