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Topic: music conversion (Read 2295 times) previous topic - next topic

music conversion

How the heck do I convert tracks from WMPlayer9 to play on my stereo?

Re: music conversion

Reply #1
I assume that the tracks are legal for you to download and play... if so:

You need to burn the tracks onto a music-format CD. (Not a data-format CD, which would only be readable by computer) So, your computer must be able to burn CDs, and you need the software for burning CDs (such software is built into recent versions of Windows, but many users prefer third-party software).

If the CD burner is capable of reading Windows Media 9 music files as input, and creating a music (not data!) CD, then that's all you need to do.

But more likely than not, your CD burner software will only accept either *.mp3 or *.wav music files as input. So, the problem is to first convert from Windows Media 9 format to either mp3 or wav format. Then, you burn the CD.

Windows Media Player does not, itself, have the capability to convert to mp3 or wav format. But there is other software (some of it free) that will allow you to do that. For example, the "dB power amp" music converter, made by Illustrate, will do the job. You can find it on the Internet.


Re: music conversion

Reply #2
Hey, I know a Jason Usherwood.
Is that a typo?