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Topic: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series (Read 5418 times) previous topic - next topic

burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

I downloaded Windows Media Player 9 Series which claims to have the capability to burn CDs.  Now I have burned CDs with RealOne and the result is awful.  NoteWorthy Composer sounds fine, the MIDI version is fine also, but to burn the WAVE to a CD it automatically relies on RealOne.  To burn the CDs with Windows 9 do I have to trash RealOne, which I will gladly do?  And do I also need Windows Media Encoder 9 Series to burn the CD?

Thank you

Re: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

Reply #1
A new concern is now that I downloaded the new Windows Media the sound has disappeared from my NoteWorthy Composer.  Any advice on how to get it back?

Re: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

Reply #2
Check preferred playback device in Multimedia, Audio settings from the control panel if in Win98 (or similar system).

Then open the NWC program, go to Tools, Options, Midi settings and see if there is a device (more than one is okay).  You can get away with MIDI Mapper, or you can also use one of the choices in the "available" window, moving it into the "Devices used" panel.

Also check to see if Windows Media Player has digital playback enabled (in WMP, Tools, Options, Player tab.  This was something that seemed to me to do the trick for me in MediaPlayer 7 (I don't have version 9 yet).

Hopefully one of these things will work for you.

Re: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

Reply #3
I removed your duplicate post. Your question in reply 1 will suffice.

When you lose audible sound when playing in NWC after installing new audio software, the most likely cause is that your MIDI synthesizer's volume has been turned down in the system's mixing panel (RealOne software used to make a habit of turning down MIDI syth volume on its own, so perhaps it still does). As David points out, you should check your system's multimedia settings. In Windows 2000 and Windows XP:

  • go to your Control Panel

  • open the Sounds and Multimedia applet

  • Enable the "Show volume control on the taskbar"

  • Press OK

  • Double click the volume control on the taskbar

  • Verify your volume settings for MIDI and any other mixer outputs that might be used by your MIDI device.

    If you do not see any MIDI settings, then:

    • open Options, Properties
    • Select Adjust volume for: Playback
    • Enable all of the volume controls in the list
    • Press OK
    Now, look for the correct volume control for your MIDI synthesizer.

Re: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

Reply #4
The sound is back.  Thank you, again.


Re: burn CD with Windows Media 9 Series

Reply #5
I would seriously suggest removing RealOne from your PC altogether, and replacing it with "Real Alternative" (e.g. from )
In my experience, this works fine wherever the Real Program would have worked but without all the horrific aspects of the Real thing.