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Topic: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5 (Read 5361 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

I am having a terrible time with printing. The problem? Every time I start to print my music, the printer extends way beyond the paper on both right and left and as it makes passes back and forth, nothing lines up right. I at first thought it was a printer problem, but my printing in other programs is ok. I have tried everything to fix it, but haven't succeeded yet. It acts as if the paper is much wider than it is. I used the 1.3 version for some time with no problems, then all of a sudden started having this same problem in that version. I thought upgrading would fix it, but it didn't. Has anyone else had this same problem, or do you have any ideas for me?

Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #1
Without the file, it is difficult to guess what is wrong. It could be that you have not added any bar lines, have misaligned measures, or perhaps have a misbehaving printer. Make sure that you have bar lines in appropriate spots, are not using too large a font, and have the proper printer settings. You may want to go to Printer Setup to make sure things are set the way you want.

Lastly, if you send the file to us, perhaps we can figure it out from its contents.

Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #2
I would like to send you the file; that way, you would be able to deteremine if it is my printer. Just last week I got some music to print just fine, so I don't know what is wrong. None of the other things you named seem to be the problem.

Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #3
Try pressing F9 to refresh the score. Audit the bar lines. Select Letter-sized paper (8.5" in X 11" in) in Print Setup.

Make sure that you have set margins around the music. By default, NoteWorthy Composer seems to print with 0" margins on all sides of the printout (i.e. no margins); and the score will print incompletely and erroneously.

I have experienced the same sort of strange phenomenon ... the bar lines are stretched out of proportion and NWC prints out many pages of gibberish.

Perhaps one of the files within the software has become corrupted, infected, or damaged. I'd suggest removing NWC from your system, and then installing it again. In other words, have the Uninstall utility remove your directory. Don't just run the install program another time and replace the files in the already existant directory. This may not work, but, by chance, it seemed to solve a problem that I had been experiencing. It couldn't hurt.

Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #4
If you are still having this printing problem, try sending Eric at NoteWorthy the information in the display window of Page Setup, ie: Device Mode Data and Printed Page Sizes.

Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #5
Thanks for the helpful comments. I'm still having the printing problem, but I have sent the music file to NWC Support to see if they can figure out what the problem might be. I would say that it could be my printer, but other program files seem to be printing ok. I have checked and double checked the margins, bar lines, etc.,...everything I can think of. The score looks okay visually. Hopefully I'll find out something from them. Thanks again for the help.


Re: Printing Problem - NWC 1.5

Reply #6
We received the file. We are sending a modified vbersion back to you in an email. The problem was caused by misaligned measures. When printing, the bar lines in the selected staves MUSU line up. They must have the same number of measures, the same number of bar lines, and the same rhythmic alignment. If any of these conditions are not present, you cannot expect NWC to reliably print a musical score, as it gets confused on what you want it to look like when formatted.