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Topic: flexible location of a rest (Read 3711 times) previous topic - next topic

flexible location of a rest

I encountered problem with rest again. I think it's better to have the flexibility to place a rest, especially when I want the left hand to play from the lower staff to the upper (also the right hand to play the lower staff, etc). I always ended up the number of beats on the upper staff not meeting the lower staff due to the location of the rest.

Re: flexible location of a rest

Reply #1
At the moment, NWC does not allow you to specify the vertical position of a rest. If combined with a note into a chord, the rest will be moved as necessary, but this is an automatic feature.

In piano parts, it is important to note that NWC treats the two staves separately. Each staff should be written such that each vertically aligned measure has equal time values.


Re: flexible location of a rest

Reply #2
Regarding the fact that NWC treats the two staves of a piano part seperately: it would be great if it didn't. A great deal of piano music is unnecessarily cluttered. If you're playing something in the right hand while the left hand remains silent, you would have to notate a lot of rests for the left hand. Leaving the left hand staff blank seems to be a convention that I have seen in some modern printed music.
<P>Also, the ability of notes in a piano part to be bracketed across the top and bottom staves is one that NoteWorthy Composer does not support but would be helpful in creating readable piano parts.