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Topic: Decorated Bar Lines (Read 3146 times) previous topic - next topic

Decorated Bar Lines

As I am involved with writing music for another composer, he often requires 'Master Repeat' bar lines 'back to back' - that is, with dots both sides of the thick line. Is it possible to do this in Noteworthy? To put in 'repeat close' followed by 'repeat open' looks OK if they occur at the end/beginning of the stave line, but not if they are in the middle of the line.
Another minor 'wish' - can we also have a 'thick' bar line as well as a double one. I mean one which looks like the one at the end of the final bar?

Re: Decorated Bar Lines

Reply #1
In addiction of this I have another minor wish. Is it possible to have an option to replace the standard 'end-bar' (the one on the nd of the final bar) by another. Exspecially by one who had the 'repeat-dots' with it. It's now not possible but sometimes I need it.


Re: Decorated Bar Lines

Reply #2
I believe (hope) that Eric is working on these, as they have been reported for quite a while now. You may wish to send a direct e-mail to just to make sure he knows of (both) your added support for such changes.