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Topic: Pitch bend (Read 4863 times) previous topic - next topic

Pitch bend

Me daft
Me no understand computers
me see numbers when want pitch bend
Could somebody please explain to me in plain MUSICAL terms what the heck those numbers represent?
Can't I just ask the poor thing to pitch bend from A to A flat or to B?
Not in darned numbers?
And if not, what is the numeric value that represents bending of a semitone (in either direction)?


Re: Pitch bend

Reply #1
You no daft. Computers daft.

Midi controllers like pitch bend are expressed as numbers between 0 and 16383, or put another way (as NWC does) between -8191 and +8192.

The default pitch-bend definition for midi is +/- one whole tone (two semitones). So a semitone is a change of 4096 in the pitch bend parameter. Or, one cent (hundredth of a semitone) is a change of about 41.

This does permit very fine tuning (perhaps much finer than anyone can hear).

Note also however that most synths allow you to change the pitch-bend range. I have avoided doing this myself, just to be sure that my pitch-bends sound the same on any midi-compatible synthesizer.

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #2
Correction. *Me* daft.

The pitch bend range is +/- one *whole* tone, or a total swing of four semitones. So a semitone is a change of 2048, not 4096 as stated in my last message.

So to use your example, to pitch-bend from A to Ab, use -2048; from A to B use +4096.

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #4
Fred, you were right in the first place:
-8192 = -1 tone
-4096 = -1 semitone
-2048 = -1 quartertone
2048 = 1 quartertone
4097 = 1 semitone
8191 = 1 tone.

Also if you change the 'MSB something depth' to 127, the pitch bend has a total range of a possible not 50 semitones or tones, but 50 full OCTAVES (12 semitones per octave). Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it switches.

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #5
Could you explain more about the 'MSB something depth'?  I've looked in the Help file, but it is a little lacking as to what you mean.

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #6
I meant 'Data Entry MSB'.

Go to: Insert>Multipoint Controller.
Controller: Data Entry MSB
Style: Linear Sweep
Time Resolution: any
Sweep Resolution: 1
Put all the sliders to 120.

now chose the Pitch Bend controller.
Style: (your choice)
Time resolution: (your choice)
Sweep resolution: (your choice)
the sliders can be put at any position.

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #7
Ugh! So, what to do for absolute control? How can we use PB for -say- sliding a perfect fourth (5 semitones) with DEMSB?

Re: Pitch bend

Reply #8
I couldn't get this to work on my SB Live, but on an unknown card in my work machine (Compaq) the method seems to be

1. Set the Pitch Bend to maximum (-8192 0r 8191). This represents a semitone when combined with the MSB, so for a perfect fourth you'd set the MSB to 5.

It seems to work with successive MPCs so needs resetting. I shudder to think what happens with other MPCs on the same channel. It's also, possibly, soundcard dependent, but if it isn't than it could be quite useful.


Re: Pitch bend

Reply #9
I couldn't get this to work on my SB Live! either.  I've tried many different interpretations of the directions, to no avail.
I need to have a trombone gliss for a tritone, and three for a perfect fourth, so I would love for this to work on my system.
More details, please?