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Topic: Create more than one tied note at once (Read 3282 times) previous topic - next topic

Create more than one tied note at once

Hello all,

I have a complete sheet of music in NWC and want to add ties to some nearby notes subsequently. Example: There are four quarter notes "D" in a measure which I want to connect by ties.

The ponderous solution: I have to select the first note, add a tie, select the next note, add a tie, etc. Looking at the manual, this seems to be not a bug, but a feature. But why? Why can't I select all affected notes and add ties to them at once?

Re: Create more than one tied note at once

Reply #1
Greetings -

I can't answer "why" you have to do it that way, other than to say that's the way NWC does it.  However, if you use the computer keyboard, it's not that difficult.  Just put the cursor in front of the first quarter note, press Shift-Right, then press the "/" (forward slash) key (which is the keyboard short cut for a tie).  Press Right, Shift-Right, "/", Right, Shift-Right, "/", and it will quickly tie the notes together.  Not the most elegant, but it works and is a lot quicker than using the mouse or mouse/keyboard combination.



Re: Create more than one tied note at once

Reply #2
Actually, you can select all but the last note and key the "/" key.

Re: Create more than one tied note at once

Reply #3
However, you do have to select each note individually, then press the "/" key. This is just how NWC implements this feature.

Re: Create more than one tied note at once

Reply #4
You can use copy and paste as a short-cut.  Tie the first D.  Then copy it (CTRL-C).  Then select the next two (or more) Ds that need to have a tie.  While they're highlighted, paste (CTRL-V) as many times as you need.

The first CTRL-V gives you a tied D, and erases all the non-tied Ds.  Each subsequent CTRL-V simply gives you another tied D.

This trick works well when you have several semibreves (whole notes) tied as a pedal point.  It also works with chords.  I find it's sometimes easier to have an extra CTRL-V, and "un-tie" the last one (highlight, then "/") rather than entering the last note/chord manually.

Cheers, Ewan


Re: Create more than one tied note at once

Reply #5
Sorry for the error, I guess I was thinking of slurs.  However, if you have the mode set to "persistent note tool", just to the right of the "stop" icon, you can simply hit "/" before you enter the note which is to be tied to its next occurrence.  Then hit it again before the last note in the sequence.  Of course, if you have intervening note you have to turn it on and off, but it is not a big problem.  Remember, the "/" on the number-pad works just as well as the one on the main keyboard.